Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2293: Little Man (2)

Sweat knotted layer by layer on the surface of the body, which was very uncomfortable.

The temperature on the mountain at night is already low, and the cold mountain breeze blows into the clothes along the gaps in the clothes, making the body sticky and cold.

The scars on the neck and arms were soaked in sweat, and it exuded a fiery pain.

There are also all kinds of small bugs, which are too small to fight, but hurt when biting on the body.

However, An Ziqi couldn't take care of these at all at this moment.

Just hurriedly followed behind, climbing up the mountain hard.

Xiao Yining waved his hand to drive away the flying bugs around his cheeks, looked around, frowning tightly.

It was pitch black all around, probably because of the light in their hands that attracted these bugs.

Although Mommy didn't say anything, he felt distressed.

It's just that the mountain road was already difficult enough to walk, if you turn off the lights now, it will only be more dangerous.

After thinking about it, he raised his hand and drew a dagger from his waist and cut it on his own hand.

Blood gushed out instantly, and the smell of blood faintly diffused around him.

After a while, all the small bugs around him smelt the smell of blood and rushed towards him.

Xiao Yining walked forward two steps quickly and walked in front of An Ziqi.

"Ning Ning, you are behind." An Ziqi panted twice, and said hurriedly.

She knew that Ningning had been in special training for so long, and she was definitely better than her in all aspects of physical strength.

It's just that there are no moms who don't care about their children.

It is safer to walk behind after all.

"Mommy, it's okay with them in front. I have to adjust the route at any time based on the situation in front."

Xiao Yining opened the mouth and said, as he walked forward, he casually pushed aside the long weeds on both sides of the road and pressed them to both sides.

So as not to cut An Ziqi again with these grasses.

In order not to be discovered by An Ziqi, he had cut the palm of his hand before, and now he is going to fiddle with the weeds on both sides of the mountain road.

The wound on the palm of the hand could not heal, leaving a little blood on the weeds on both sides of the road.

Attracting all kinds of insects to constantly pounce upwards.

An Ziqi couldn't smell the faint smell of blood, but others were different.

After a while, almost everyone in the front and back discovered it, and then saw Xiao Yining's move to pull grass on both sides, and instantly understood.

Even a few big men couldn't help but be moved by Xiao Yining's filial piety.

All of them quietly made a small cut in their hands with daggers, and then helped Xiao Yining separate the weeds on both sides of the road.

Although the speed of their advancement has slowed a lot because of this, for An Ziqi, it is relatively safer.

An Ziqi's physical strength was far worse than them, but she was afraid of dragging them down, so she just buried her head on the road.

They slowed down now, and she didn't notice.

After walking for a while, I felt that the number of mosquitoes coming up and biting seemed to be less, and even the weeds growing everywhere seemed to be less.

He tried to take a few deep breaths, suppressed a violent gasp, and looked up to the front.

"Ningning, how far are we from there."

Xiao Yining turned on the GPS to locate their current location.

"We have been walking for a little while, Mommy, if you are tired, let's stop and rest first, and then we will rush."

"I'm not tired, it's okay, let's continue walking." An Ziqi raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Xiao Yining knew that at this time, he probably couldn't persuade Mommy no matter what he said.