Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2351: Her world

Before lunch was finished, Huang Ying was directly asked by the head teacher to take her to the office.

"Huang Ying, is there any school discipline in your eyes? Absent from school for a week without a reason, just after coming back, I dared to run around in the school wearing fancy clothes."

The head teacher pointed to the photo on the computer screen, and Spit Xingzi almost drowned her.

Huang Ying closed her mouth and didn't say a word, letting her scold.

Even if she told the situation at the time, the head teacher might not believe it.

Even if I believe it, it won't help her.

So, instead of wasting your tongue with her, it's better not to say anything.

When she finishes scolding, she will be relieved.

The head teacher Barabala scolded her for half an hour, "Go back and call the parents."

Huang Ying bit her lip and raised her head and said, "I have no parents."

The head teacher was speechless, and she naturally knew Huang Ying's current situation, but she just said smoothly.

"Go back and write a thousand words for inspection, and give it to me before school in the afternoon."

When she returned to the classroom, Yang Xiaoqing was already there, and she hurriedly stepped forward to hold her, and asked nervously.

"How? Are you okay?"

Huang Ying shook his head and said with a smile, "Check a thousand words, don't worry, it's a trivial thing to me."

After disappearing inexplicably for a week, the people in the classroom saw her suddenly appear, and they all pointed at her.

Huang Ying didn't care, and returned to his seat with Yang Xiaoqing.

Mu Tiantian was slapped by her before and did not come to class in the afternoon.

Zhong Xiaoshuang and Yang Liu didn't even dare to look at her, hiding far away.

Huang Ying is happy and leisurely.

The teacher is lecturing on the podium.

The mentally retarded **** Qing next to the seat has already fallen asleep little by little in the sound of the teacher's lecture.

Huang Ying's mischievous group made a ball of paper and smashed it into her slightly opened mouth.

Yang Xiaoqing just wrinkled her nose, and then went on to sleep.

Huang Ying smiled and continued to write checks.

Inadvertently, he glanced outside the window.

The two policemen passed right through the middle of the campus.

Huang Ying felt a little in her heart, and a bad premonition surged inexplicably.

A heart is a little messed up and down.

What are the police doing at school this time?

Is it related to her?

Is it because of Mu Tiantian? Or because...

Huang Ying did not dare to continue thinking.

Ten minutes later, the head teacher called her at the door of the classroom.

The clothes of the policeman could be vaguely seen in the corridor not far away.

With a click, the pen in Huang Ying's hand was directly broken.

The two police officers really came to look for her.

She is not afraid of Mu Tiantian complaining and making trouble for her.

I'm afraid that these police officers are related to her mother, not because of her.

Yang Xiaoqing was awakened, and when she saw her getting up, she asked in a daze, "What's the matter?"

Huang Ying pursed her lips and got up and walked out of the classroom amidst the discussions among the class.

The anxiety in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Every step she took seemed to be on the tip of a knife, and she could hardly take a step under the weight.

The head teacher led her to the two policemen, "Comrade policeman, she is Huang Ying."

One of the policemen glanced at her and went straight forward and said, "Student Huang Ying, your mother Long Xinyi committed suicide in jail at 12 noon today. After the rescue failed, she died..."

Huang Ying didn't hear the words behind, only that her whole world collapsed in an instant.

There was a blank head in his head, a rumble in his ears, and nothing was heard.