Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2422: Rare tenderness

Once his image is destroyed, it will definitely cause a lot of shock to Huanyu's stock price.

Xiao Moli opened a webpage on the tablet casually, and said lightly, "Send, let the media department send it out according to the draft prepared yesterday. I will talk about other questions later when I come to the company."

"Yes, President, I know." After Tang Xiaoqin heard Xiao Moli's instructions, the heart that was still hanging high instantly settled down.

It seemed that as long as Xiao Moli was there, there was nothing that couldn't be solved.

An Ziqi was not in the mood to have breakfast anymore, and sat down beside Xiao Moli a little worried, and leaned over to look at the tablet.

On the opened webpage, "Huanyu evaded taxes, Xiao Moli illegally hid prohibited guns and beat people arrogantly!"

Big red news headlines occupy almost half of the web pages.

The whole story below, with thousands of words, is full of various descriptions.

An Ziqi twisted her eyebrows, took the tablet from Xiao Moli, and directly searched for Xiao Moli in the search bar.

A large number of websites appeared in a flash below, all covering the incident in various ways.

And one by one, adding fuel and vinegar, as if they were all on the scene.

Some said that Xiao Moli directly interrupted people's hands and feet, and that Xiao Moli stabbed people many times with a knife.

He was almost talking about Xiao Moli as a murderous demon.

Xiao Moli stretched out his hand and hugged the person in his arms, and kissed her in her ear, "Don't worry, I had planned it a long time ago."

He was afraid that An Ziqi would push all the responsibilities on herself again.

She is sad and he will feel distressed.

An Ziqi looked at the screen and thought for a while, then raised her head and said to him.

"Yesterday Song Yang went to the company to forcibly break into the financial room and the secretary room to grab information, and threatened the security personnel with a gun to smash the monitoring of the president's room. I have asked them to upload all of them to the cloud for storage. The people from the media department will make a statement first and wait for public opinion. After the fermentation is complete, these videos will be published."

"There is also my injury report. You can find someone to make a copy and publish it together. Later, I will go to the company with you and ask Sister Man to arrange an interview for me."

Xiao Moli smiled and held her small face, and kissed her on the lips, "Can I retire at home?"

"Okay, you are not afraid that I will ruin Huanyu. If you eat soil at home every day, I will work to support you."

An Ziqi raised her lips, raised her hand and patted his cheek lightly.

Like a little rich woman who wants to take care of her little white face.

Xiao Moli sneered and touched her forehead and said, "Don't be afraid, I am willing to eat soil every day with you."

"It's beautiful, it doesn't matter if you eat soil. My daughter can't be wronged, so she can quickly clean up and go to work." An Ziqi's forehead slammed hard at him.

In the end, it didn't hurt Xiao Moli, but he slammed his forehead with an ouch, and his eyes were wet with a layer of water vapor.

Xiao Moli smiled, stretched out the hand that was covering her forehead, lowered her head and kissed the small piece on her forehead that was hit red.

Then the warm kiss went down, gently holding her soft lips.

Xiao Moli is always anxious when facing her, especially when kissing her, every time she has the illusion that Xiao Moli wants to eat her into her belly, it is rare that she is so gentle. when.

An Ziqi nestled softly in his arms, closed her eyes and responded to him shallowly, enjoying Xiao Moli's rare gentleness.