Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2440: Who is Xiao Moli’s first love? (1) Mon

the other side.

When An Ziqi and Xiao Moli returned to Ye Minzhi's house, it was already night.

Xiao Qianai hadn't seen Xiao Moli for a long time, and was so excited that Xiao Moli hugged her all night.

An Ziqi was afraid that Ye Minzhi hadn't told them about the attack outside.

Although Ye Minzhi wondered why An Ziqi went out to buy groceries, she didn't bring back anything.

But seeing her and Xiao Moli come back together, he didn't ask much.

Tang Qi gave them a meaningful look.

After dinner, the little guy was asleep on the sofa.

It is rare for Xiao Moli not to send Xiao Qian'ai back to her own bedroom, but to take her back to his and An Ziqi's room.

After washing, he stretched out his long arms and took all the big and small next to him into his arms.

Kissed in her ear, "Tomorrow I'm going to the capital."

An Ziqi's body tightened instantly, biting her lip, "Are you going to make the final move so soon?"

No wonder Wei Liang and the others would do something with her today, that's how it is.

It seems that even if Xiao Moli and the others don't make a move now, the capital can no longer hold back.

"En." Xiao Moli replied in a low voice.

Xiao Chen and Lan Yue had already returned to Long Yuan, and the arrangements in the capital had been arranged.

An Ziqi gripped the corner of his clothes tightly with her fingers.

To be safe, she has told too much before.

He pursed his lips and was silent for a while, and finally just whispered, "Is there anything I can help?"

At this time, she longed to be able to stand beside Xiao Moli just like Lan Yue stood beside Xiao Chen.

We can live in the same boat with him, from birth to death.

But she can't.

Xiao Moli knew what she was upset about, and stroked the hair on her cheek with her fingertips behind her ears.

"I want you to go to the company and make an illusion that I'm still there, and at least help me delay it for two days."

This is the first time Xiao Moli clearly told her that she needs her help.

An Ziqi nodded, "Okay, I will."

The sadness in my heart for not being able to fight side by side with him was finally less.

Xiao Moli looked at her serious appearance and smiled softly, "No matter what happens, trust me."

"We are waiting for you to go home." An Ziqi said dullly.

Xiao Moli held her arms tightly, "Don't worry."

An Ziqi smiled bitterly, it was easy to say, don't worry about this kind of thing so easy.

The two held Xiao Qian'ai in the middle, and the family of three hugged tightly.

After all, he didn't speak again.

When An Ziqi fell into a deep sleep, she suddenly thought of something, resisting her drowsiness, and said to Xiao Moli.

"Ding Xiaoying gave me a note in my pocket."

"I know, go to sleep." Xiao Moli patted her gently.

After her breathing became even, she got up and took out the note from the pocket of her clothes to look at, and then lay down next to An Ziqi and the little guy again.

Early the next morning.

An Ziqi and Xiao Moli went to the company together.

After Xiao Moli showed up at the company, he changed his clothes and walked through the back door.

An Ziqi sat in the empty presidential room upstairs, looking at the bustling city outside the French windows.

A heart has already flown away with Xiao Moli.

Sitting in the president's room blankly all day, An Ziqi was about to get up.

A picture suddenly popped up on the huge LCD screen directly opposite the desk.

An Ziqi looked up suspiciously and looked at the LCD screen.