Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2500: See also Linxi Road (1)

The people around were shocked to see An Ziqi's reaction, and obviously didn't expect her to resist.

"Ah, An Ziqi, you bitch, dare to hit me."

Lin Kelan reacted, screaming, and threw her teeth and claws at An Ziqi.

"What are you guys trying to do, give me a shot, and kill her."

A group of people is about to rush up.


A cold voice came from behind.

An Ziqi raised her head and looked in the direction of the voice. When she saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of her, her mouth opened wide.

The group of little girls around, all looked very arrogant just now, and they all disappeared immediately when they saw the people coming.

Lin Kelan's face was pale green for a while, biting her lip to the humanity, "Senior Lin, it was An Ziqi who scolded me first, so we will..."

"What is it, I have eyes myself, don't you stay here, wait for me to tell your teacher?" Lin Xilu looked at her and said.

Lin Kelan gave An Ziqi a hateful look, then turned and ran away.

An Ziqi looked at Lin Xi Road dumbfounded.

The upper body is wearing a simple white shirt in the school uniform, and the lower body is wearing dark school uniform pants. It is obviously just a simple school uniform that can't be simpler and vulgar can't be vulgar, but he wears a kind of aristocratic temperament by his life.

Sunshine is handsome, simple and elegant, just like the prince charming of all girls when they were young.

Of course, the reason An Ziqi was stunned was not Lin Xilu's handsomeness.

After experiencing the chaos just now, An Ziqi finally reacted.

If I remember correctly, what happened just now should be when she was in high school ten years ago.

Once when I walked downstairs to the teaching building, I was hit on my head by a falling flower pot.

Later, Linxi Road happened to pass by, witnessed the situation at that time, and sent her to the school infirmary.

In addition, he told the school leaders about Lin Kelan deliberately pushing the flowerpot from upstairs.

Lin Kelan received a big punishment.

It was from that incident that she and Lin Kelan became mortal enemies.

From that time on, she and Lin Xilu got closer and closer, and finally came together.

So, she is crossing?

Not only did she cross, but she also crossed back ten years ago, back to when she was 16 years old when she was in her first year of high school?

Lin Xilu on the opposite side saw An Ziqi with wide-eyed eyes and wide open mouth, looking straight at him, and couldn't help but chuckle.

There are a lot of girls who like him in school, and there are also a lot of girls who hide in the dark and watch him secretly.

They have all kinds of eyes, but she is the only one who is so straightforward and unconcealed like An Ziqi.

It's so cute!

Raised an eyebrow and glanced at her injured forehead.

Reached out and took out a clean handkerchief from her pocket and put it on her forehead.

"Really silly? I don't know if my head is bleeding. I will take you to the infirmary."

Without knowing it, he pulled An Ziqi and walked directly in the direction of the infirmary.

An Ziqi was still immersed in the shock that she just slept and then inexplicably traveled back to the age of sixteen.

I don't know when he was taken to the infirmary by Lin Xilu.

"Doctor, her head was hurt, you can help her deal with it."

Lin Xilu politely spoke to the doctor in the infirmary, then glanced back at the stupid little idiot who was still wandering around the sky, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Also, be careful about the wound, don't scar her."