Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2507: First encounter (6)

The postures of the two looked extremely ambiguous, as if words would lower their heads and kiss her in the next second.

The girls next to them were jealous when they thought that things would develop into this way.

I just want to step forward and pull An Ziqi down immediately, and they will replace An Ziqi's current position.

Some girls wondered whether they should also learn An Ziqi like this in the future, and then they can be slammed by the male **** wall.


An Ziqi couldn't care about the pain from being knocked on the wall behind her, she gritted her teeth and looked up at the words.

The long bangs on his forehead drooped, blocking most of his dark eyes.

But it couldn't stop the coldness coming from inside his eyes.

The cold eyes were as if what he saw at the moment was not a living person, but a dead thing.

The facial features are exquisite, a thin lip is rosy and beautiful like a woman, and the whole face looks extremely handsome.

An Ziqi couldn't even think of it, this person who she thought was Xiao Moli, turned out to be such an enchanting person.

He was held in a daze and stood in place for a while.

Speaking of speaking, looking at her condescendingly, he finally opened his mouth slowly, saying every word.

"I said, get out. If you don't understand, I don't mind teaching you now."

Although their postures were ambiguous, the words they uttered were full of coldness and murderous aura.

The girls next to them saw the words still as cold as before, but finally exhaled.

Fortunately, the words were not attracted by this little girl's film, otherwise it would seem that they were too failed.

But after An Ziqi saw her words clearly, a deep disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Yun Yi said before that when Xiao Moli was in middle school here, he concealed his identity by pretending to be ugly.

In this regard, when they later chatted in WeChat group, Chen Jun and Ye Wuge also affirmed it.

Obviously, the handsome and handsome man in front of him is not Xiao Moli.

This is already the last class she has looked for, the last person, and it is false to say that she is not disappointed at all.

She thought that she would see Xiao Moli soon, and after tossing such a big circle, she still had no clue.

The mood couldn't help but fell a little, and he lowered his eyes to gather the emotion in his eyes, "Sorry, I confessed the wrong person."

After speaking, he struggled hard, trying to pull his hand out of the words.

Ling Ling's eyes drooped slightly, looking at the little thing he could only leaned against the wall at the moment.

The hand holding her wrist did not relax at all, but subconsciously clenched it harder.

An Ziqi couldn't help but twist her eyebrows in pain, "I already said sorry, what else do you want?"

Linguistic eyes looked at her coldly, but she didn't say a word.

At this moment, Lin Xilu, who was called away by someone temporarily outside for a while, finally rushed back.

Seeing An Ziqi's petite body was forcibly pressed against the wall by words, she immediately stepped forward, raised her hand to grab her wrist, and pushed him aside.

The other hand quickly pulled An Ziqi from the wall to behind him.

Said to him, "If she offends you, I will apologize for her."

With thin words, his lips pressed tightly, he glanced at Lin Xilu's hand holding An Ziqi's wrist, and glanced at him coldly.

Then he spoke to An Ziqi very coldly, "Go away, stay away from me in the future."