Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2582

In his capacity, he is not afraid that anyone will find him here.

However, there was something wrong in his heart.

This U disk is certainly not that simple.

As time passed, Xiao Moli successfully found another hidden program behind this virus program.

It turned out to be connected to a missile launching system.

Under normal circumstances, as long as someone tries to crack the U disk, a virus program will be triggered and the location information of the U disk at the moment will be returned to the other party.

Then the program will automatically send this position information to the hidden missile launching system.

Once the transmission is successful, the missile will be launched at the location where the U disk is located.

I have to say that this is a very smart U disk self-destruct system.

Unless these three interconnected programs are successfully cracked, once the missile is launched, the gods will not be able to save you.

This also shows from another aspect that the things involved in the files in the U disk are absolutely terrifying.

It may even have risen to the national level. Otherwise, the confidentiality of the documents of any company or group would not be so aggressive.

It even used the missile launch system to destroy the U disk.

The foundation of the Chen family is in the capital, but according to the news he has recently received from the Chen family, there hasn't been any trouble recently.

If his guess is true, it can only show that the Chen family has been excluded from the core of this matter.

What's worse may even be something here, which originally involves the Chen family.

Political struggle is always the case, as long as you are in it, you don't know when you will be involved.

By now, this incident was not just to help the host brother, or just to An Ziqi.

Even if he didn't want to participate, there was nothing he could do.

Xiao Moli squinted his eyes and thought for a moment.

To crack these three programs, it is necessary to crack the missile launch system on the opposite side.

Only by cracking this first can he have no worries.

Follow this procedure directly to the other end controlled by the U disk owner.

And the other party clearly discovered his actions at this moment, so naturally he wouldn't let him crack it.

The two sides soon began to hand hands on the Internet.

Encryption or cracking of the program was originally not a particularly difficult task for Xiao Moli.

Even if the other party has several people working against him at the moment, he will not be afraid.

It's just that what makes him a little headache.

The cracking and operation of these programs puts high demands on all aspects of the computer. He just inserted the U disk into the computer in front of him.

I didn't expect to run into this situation now.

Therefore, even if Xiao Moli's level is higher than that of other hacker masters, his computer's response speed to the commands sent by Xiao Moli is far less than the other's due to the drag of his computer configuration and other reasons.

This also caused the reason why the two sides can barely tie.

Xiao Moli couldn't crack it, and the other party also had nothing to do with him at the same time.

The two sides have been in a stalemate on the Internet.

Xiao Moli didn't worry that it would continue to be consumed like this. After a long time, even if his computer had a problem, he would sooner or later break through the opponent's defense.

He only worried that before he could break through the opponent's line of defense, the computer would be unable to support it and the system would crash.

Once his system crashes, the other party will directly receive his location information.

At the same time, the missile will be launched towards this side immediately.