Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2620: Calculate the general ledger (4)

His little white rabbit wife has completely transformed into a little fairy!

The whole person he had been teased by her was about to explode.

Xiao Moli gasped and asked, "My wife, how do you want to punish?"

An Ziqi's lips curled up, she stretched out her hand to push him away slightly, looked at the corners of his red eyes, leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

The uvula swept across his lips mischievously, and before Xiao Moli couldn't help making the next move, he quickly pushed the person away.

Looking at him with a smile, "Why don't you play a game with me first?"

"Okay, what do you want to play?"

Xiao Moli agreed without thinking.

"Just play with 123 Wooden Man. When I call 3, you are not allowed to move."

An Ziqi chuckled her lips and smiled.

The white cheeks were filled with red clouds because of the emotion just now, and a layer of water vapor filled the beautiful eyes.

The whole person looked very attractive, Xiao Moli just wanted to immediately press An Ziqi under his body and kiss fiercely, so lovingly, reason had already flown to Java.

It doesn't matter what game he is playing, let alone playing games, even if he is asked to go up to the sword, he will nod his head and agree without hesitation.

An Ziqi raised her lips, "1, 2, 3."

After counting, he stretched out his hand and pushed Xiao Moli away little by little, got up and clicked on his thin lips, "Don't move, or I will be angry!"

After speaking, he slowly got up from Xiao Moli's lap, then turned and went to the bathroom.

Before entering, I didn't forget to turn his head and smile slyly at Xiao Moli again and said, "Remember, don't move!"

Xiao Moli sat there blankly, his whole body was about to burn, but An Ziqi was just thrown here, and he was not allowed to move.

Looking down at his place, is he too late to regret it now?

The sound of splashing water in the bathroom kept coming to my ears.

Xiao Moli uncontrollably imagined that steaming warm water hit An Ziqi's body, following her white jade skin.

The more I think about it, the hotter I think, and the more I think about it, the hotter it gets, and the smoke is almost coming out of my head.

I just felt a stream of heat rushing directly from somewhere to every corner of my body.

He just wanted to get up and rush into the bathroom immediately, but An Ziqi said that he was not allowed to move, otherwise she would be angry.

Xiao Moli had no choice but to resist the impulse in his heart and looked in the direction of the bathroom eagerly, just waiting for his wife to finish washing out.

As a result, it usually takes only ten minutes to take a bath, and An Ziqi took a bath for half an hour before coming out of it.

She was wrapped in a short bath towel, and the attractive curve could be seen at the upper edge of the bath towel, and the lower edge could only reach her thigh.

Long wet hair was scattered on both sides of her body, and the crystal clear water drops rolled down her white jade skin.

Xiao Moli stared at her tightly, his eyes almost starting to glow green.

He swallowed hard and said dryly, "Wife."

An Ziqi hooked her lips, raised her leg and walked to him, leaned slightly, raised her hand and gently wiped under his nose.

Looking at the bright red on the fingertips, raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "My bean sprouts? Airport? You are too lazy to take a look after you take off your clothes and look in front of you?

Xiao Moli shook his head quickly, wishing to tie up his past self and throw it to the ground.

Draw it over and then draw it over, take a stab at it, and let it die!