Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2638

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and thought about Chen Jun's usual taste. It seemed that he didn't have any favorites.

So I searched for some home-cooked dishes from the Internet.

After comparison, I finally found two simple ones.

Hot and sour potato shreds and homemade fried pork.

Although it looks simple, it is not simple for Huang Ying, who has never cooked since childhood.

The potato shreds were thicker than the fingers, and I accidentally cut into the hands during the period.

Blood poured out from the gap in an instant, dyeing a few sliced ​​potato shreds red.

Huang Ying stretched out his other hand hurriedly, picked up the soiled potato shreds and threw them into the trash can.

Then endure the pain and turn on the faucet, put your fingers underneath to rinse off.

Seeing the red color flowing away in the pool, she bit her lower lip hard. Why did she bother to cook for the **** Mayor Chen Jun?

Didn’t you just order her a takeaway?

What is so touching about this.

Turning off the faucet with his hand, he turned and walked towards the outside. After looking for a bandage outside, he gritted his teeth and turned around again and walked back.

Humph, she didn't care about the cautious mayor.

She just doesn't want to owe others, yes, that's it.

Posing his lips, he picked up the kitchen knife on the table again.

After tossing for nearly two hours and burning it once, I finally managed to make these two dishes.

Although the potatoes still looked thick like legs and the fried pork was a little burnt, this was the first time she had grown up to cook.

He should feel honored.

In order to avoid the appearance of those dog-blood dramas that are so unpalatable that they can't be uttered, the male protagonist has to pretend to be delicious, Huang Ying specially tasted it.

Well, in addition to not looking good, the taste is okay.

She was a genius for cooking rice like this for the first time.

Huang Ying hummed a small song to prepare the food, and then covered it.

After washing his hands, he went to the outside office again, just waiting for him to come back.

With her legs up on the handle of the chair, she sat at the desk boringly, leaning on the handle of the chair and turning it round and round.

However, he accidentally kicked all the information that Lang Feng had just sorted out on the table when he was in a circle.

Looking at the messy materials scattered all the way, Huang Ying hurriedly got up and squatted down to pack things when thinking of what Lang Feng had just said.

After tidying up for a long time, I finally packed all the information.

Just about to get up with the information, his eyes accidentally saw the last drawer under the table, opening a gap slightly.

Through the tiny gap, a picture of a girl could be seen in the drawer.

Huang Ying endured her forbearance, but still did not hold back her curiosity, holding the information in one hand, and the other hand opened the drawer in front of her.

A young girl in a pink dress had a bright and shy smile on her delicate melon seeds.

Beautiful and youthful and lively.

Who is this girl?

Why did Chen Jun put her picture in the drawer?

Is it the girl he likes?

It must be, if not, how could Chen Jun’s character put an irrelevant picture of a girl in the drawer.

Moreover, judging from the somewhat yellowish color of this photo, this photo should have taken a long time.

Thinking of this, Huang Ying was inexplicably uncomfortable.

It was too late to think about why she was uncomfortable.

A low and angry roar suddenly sounded at the door.

"What are you doing? Who allowed you to dig through my stuff?"