Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2770

Qin Ping felt inexplicably that something was wrong, but there was anxious rush.

She couldn't think of what was wrong for a while.

Had to rush to the Via's side.

the other side.

An Ziqi and Linman made the final preparations outside.

"Why do you want to talk to Han Mengxue?" Lin Man looked at her inexplicably.

In her eyes, although An Ziqi has grown a lot more than in the past, she is not arrogant enough to deliberately provoke Han Mengxue.

An Ziqi blinked and smiled slyly, "You'll know in a while."

As the two were talking, An Ziqi saw Qin Ping hurriedly walk towards Wei Ya.

The eyes droop slightly, the corners of the lips are slightly cocked, and the fish has already taken the bait.

Not far away, Han Mengxue watched her vigilantly, for fear of what she would do to her.

An Ziqi couldn't help but sneered and shook her head. It was Han Mengxue's effort to calculate her. I don't know when, the two roles seem to have changed positions with each other.

Every time Han Mengxue appeared, she had to be cautious.

Until now, every time she appeared, Han Mengxue had to be cautious.

The positions of hunters and prey seem to have been completely swapped.

It didn't take long for the director to greet them and prepare to start shooting.

Lin Man pulled An Ziqi, and finally exhorted, "Be careful in a while."


An Ziqi smiled and shook her hand backhand to relieve her.

The director greeted An Ziqi, Eric, Han Mengxue and the actor who played the villain BOSS, and probably told them about today's scene.

It is when the male and female masters who dislike each other are framed by the villain BOSS when they go out to perform their tasks, and the two fall into the siege of those villains.

Then the two cooperated for the first time, breaking through the siege together.

This is also a catalyst for the development of feelings between the male and female lords.

After the director finished explaining the play to a few people, the people from the martial arts instructing group over there stepped forward and explained to them the fight again for a while.

Finally, someone pulled the Via over there and tied them to a few people.

Han Mengxue glanced deeply at An Ziqi. Qin Ping had already checked over there just now, and there was nothing wrong with her Via.

This is weird, An Ziqi would say those things to her, obviously because of ulterior motives.

If it weren't for her hands and feet on her Via, what on earth did she want to do?

What are you thinking about?

In any case, An Ziqi must be uneasy and kind, this time she still knows what to think of to deal with her.

In short, it is better for her to stay away from her before figuring out what she is going to do, so as not to be calculated by her again.

For the first time in Han Mengxue's heart, she regretted a little bit. For this filming, she shouldn't have participated in the filming without any preparation.

However, at that time, I saw An Ziqi publicizing so much that she wanted to participate in Hollywood movies and that she would be the heroine.

Those people below are about to hold her to the sky again, saying what the first person in the entire Oriental actress.

She couldn't see her being so triumphant, the whole world would hold her.

To put it bluntly, without the operations of Xiao Moli and Huan Yu behind her, she was nothing at all.

Whether it is Xiao Moli, Huanyu, or the fame, money, status, and honor she has now received, all of this should originally belong to her.

Here, Han Mengxue is gnashing his teeth.