Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2796: Pack Han Mengxue (1)

An Ziqi always didn't want him to participate in Han Mengxue's affairs. He could ignore it before, but after that, he didn't want to see An Ziqi hurt again because of this.

When driving to the police station, the man in the guard room at the door was leaning on the table and dozing off with his chin in one hand.

Xiao Moli twisted his eyebrows, opened the door and got out of the car, walked to the window of the guard room, raised his hand and knocked on the table.

The guard was awakened and was preparing to yell in dissatisfaction.

He raised his eyes to see Xiao Moli, busy swallowing back what he was about to say.

"Li... Shao Li, why are you here?"

"Open the door."

Xiao Moli said directly.

The man got up busy, quickly ran outside to open the door, and walked inside with Xiao Moli.

An Ziqi was injured in the crew because of Han Mengxue.

The people in the police station thought that at most Huanyu people would come to the door, but they didn't expect Xiao Moli to come to the door himself.

The director personally led someone to greet him, knowing that he must be here today because of Han Mengxue's affairs, and he said directly without waiting for Xiao Moli to speak.

"Han Mengxue has been temporarily detained in the detention room. In the morning, the people from M Entertainment came with a lawyer, but we didn't let anyone go. Please come here, Shao Li."

Xiao Moli raised his eyebrows, thinking that the director had not let him go.

The director took him to a detention room, waved his hand, and someone immediately behind him came forward with the key and opened the door of the detention room.

"Han Mengxue is locked here."

"You go down first, I want to chat with her alone."

Xiao Moli pursed his lips.

"Yes, don't worry, Shao Li, I have asked someone to turn off the monitoring of the detention room. You can call us whenever you need it."

Obviously, the director has been in the officialdom all the year round. He has extremely rich experience, and he winks a hundred times.

Without Xiao Moli's explanation, everything has been settled properly.

Xiao Moli nodded slightly, turned around and pushed the door of the detention room in front of him and walked in.

After seeing him enter the door, the chief took the people behind him to the other side to wait for Xiao Moli.

The detention room was dim, with only a simple table inside and two benches next to it.

Other than that, there is nothing.

There is no window in the room, only a dim chandelier hangs on the ceiling.

The whole room looked depressing.

Han Mengxue was curled up in a corner opposite with her legs.

The hatred of An Ziqi in his heart reached an unprecedented height.

A few rays of sunlight followed Xiao Moli's action to open the door, and directly hit Han Mengxue's eyes.

Han Mengxue raised his hand to block the dazzling sunlight and squinted to look in the direction of the door.

I saw a tall figure walking in from the door against the light, and then the door was closed again.

Han Mengxue looked at the figure she was thinking about day and night, and her heart couldn't help but chaotic the rhythm.

He stood up abruptly, because he had been squatting for too long, his eyes were a little dark, and his body couldn't help but sway.

Xiao Moli turned a blind eye, with a face of indifference.

Han Mengxue stood with her arm leaning on the wall, looking at Xiao Moli's ruthless face, she couldn't help but sting.

He blamed An Ziqi for his indifference to her.

Before standing still, he eagerly stepped forward, "Mo Li, listen to me..."


Xiao Moli glanced at her in disgust, and said, "Don't call my name."

A wounded expression flashed across Han Mengxue's face, and she kept telling herself that it was none of Xiao Moli's business, it was because of An Ziqi, and if it weren't for her, Xiao Moli would not do this to her.