Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2858

Huang Ying turned over and fell back on the bed, taking a few deep breaths.

The feeling of stuffiness in my chest didn't get any better.

It's still early, and she doesn't have to go to school or work. Yesterday Chen Jun also said that she should stay at home honestly and she is not allowed to go anywhere.

Thinking of this, she busily raised her hand and patted her own head again.

Why do you think of that beast **** again.

Pulling up the quilt to wrap himself tightly, there is nothing to do anyway.

Close your eyes and want to fall asleep again.

When I was in school, I couldn’t wake up every morning. Now I have time, but I can’t fall asleep anymore.

Huang Ying lay on the bed tossing for a long time, but got up again, wrapped in a quilt and went to the closet to find a piece of clothing to put on.

Then I went to the bathroom to wash, washed my face and brushed my teeth, and looked at the bright hickeys on my neck in the mirror. In this weather, I can't wear high-necked clothes. I can't cover it at all.

How can she go out to meet people like this?

Huang Ying scolded a few words angrily. She wanted to use a hot towel to apply the hickey. After thinking about it, she found it too troublesome, so she simply put hot water in the bath.

Then the whole person lay in, and started taking a bath early in the morning.

The warm water wrapped around the body, warm, the sleepiness in Huang Ying's mind finally slowly surged up again.

I don't know how long it took, when she was about to fall asleep, the mobile phone placed outside the house suddenly rang.

Huang Ying awakened at once, got up and pulled the bathrobe on the hanger next to it, and put it directly on her body without even looking.

Go to the table in the bedroom outside and pick up the phone. An unknown number is displayed on it.

Huang Ying connected with some doubts.

"Hello Miss Huang, Mayor Chen asked me to bring you breakfast. Can you go downstairs and open the door?"

A man's voice rang on the other side of the phone.

Huang Ying thought of Chen Jun saying last night that she wanted someone to send her breakfast in the morning, so she dropped her small mouth.

Busy responded, then quickly turned around and went downstairs.

When he reached the door, he leaned over to the window next to him and took a look. The car that Chen Jun usually used in his daily life was parked outside the door.

A man in a black suit carries a lunch box in one hand. Holding the phone in the other hand, he was standing upright at the door waiting.

Huang Ying confirmed that there was no problem before reaching out and opening the door.

After seeing the yellow oriole behind the door, the person's ears were red, and he greeted her with a little embarrassment, and then handed her the lunch box in his hand, "Miss Huang, this is the Mayor Chen who specially asked me to visit Xu. Remember to buy you early."

Huang Ying stretched out his hand to take it, and looked at him up and down, "Are you?"

Ayu replied, "I am Mayor Chen's driver, and Miss Huang can call me Ayu."

Huang Ying frowned slightly, "Are you Mayor Chen's driver? Where is Lang Feng?"

Isn't Chen Jun's driver always Langfeng?

When did it change?

"Big Brother Lang was sent by Mayor Chen to do other things. From today on, I will take over responsibility for Mayor Chen's driving and safety."


Huang Ying nodded thoughtfully, the lunch box in his hand was heavy, obviously there were a lot of things in it.

He looked up at Ayu, "Have you eaten early?"

Ayu was stunned, and scratched her head in embarrassment, "No, it doesn't matter, I'm used to it."