Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2897: Do you like him (2)

He even argued with Chen Jun in the mayor's office.

Just for the fairness and justice of the college entrance examination.

For such a serious and rigorous person, she has reason to believe that before sending the test papers to the city hall, he must have kept the evidence just in case.

Whether it’s taking a photo or scanning it, even if it’s a photocopy, as long as it can be found, then it can be proved that Huang Qichao has indeed exchanged the examination papers, and Chen Junyan can be charged with extorting a confession by torture and being beaten as a move.

Tomorrow morning, Chen Jun will be prosecuted publicly. Although Lang Feng has already told her that the main charge of the other party's prosecution of Chen Jun is corruption, the examination papers are just a fuse.

However, after all things started because of her, she didn't want Chen Jun to be charged with such a crime because of her.

Director Liang was also involved in the exchange of examination papers for the college entrance examination. Now that the matter is exposed, it is definitely not appropriate for Lang Feng or Chen Jun to come to him.

When the time comes, she will be said to be bribed, so she can only find someone here on her own.

However, the security personnel obviously couldn't let her in, and she didn't have Director Liang's phone number.

In desperation, Huang Ying had no choice but to stand outside the Education Bureau and wait for them to get off work.

The sun above his head was very big, and after a while, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Huang Ying's forehead.

She didn't even dare to blink her eyes, for fear that she would miss Director Liang as long as she turned around or blinked.

The sweat oozing more and more, wet her thin clothes, slipped through the wound on her arm, and caused bursts of hot pain after another.

I waited from noon until the sun set, and then the sky gradually dimmed.

The clothes on her body had already been wetted with sweat layer after layer, sticking to her body sticky.

One staff after another came out of the Education Bureau, but none of them was Director Liang.

It wasn't until the dim lights on the roadside turned on one after another that Huang Ying finally saw Director Liang's figure coming out of the Education Bureau.

Huang Ying didn't care about the pain in her legs, so she hurriedly raised her legs and walked over quickly.

"Director Liang."

When Director Liang saw Huang Ying, his face changed, and he hurriedly avoided her and walked towards the car.

Huang Ying ran over and reached out and grabbed Director Liang's arm, "Director Liang, I came to you because..."

"Miss Huang, no matter what you are looking for me for, I can't help you." Director Liang interrupted her directly.

"What to say, I have already explained everything to the investigators from Beijing. I have nothing else to say, sorry."

After speaking, he pushed Huang Ying's hand away, turned and walked towards the car.

Huang Ying bit her lip, "Director Liang, you have witnessed the exchange of test papers with Huang Ling from beginning to end. You know whether Mayor Chen was wronged or not, you know better than anyone.

I don't understand their political struggles, but I believe that you don't want to see Mayor Chen being such a good mayor being unjustly slandered and letting those with ulterior motives succeed. "

Director Liang's footsteps paused, a flash of struggle flashed in his eyes, but in the end he was still cruel, walked quickly to the door of the car, opened the door and got into the car directly.

Seeing that the car was about to start and drive away, Huang Ying gritted her teeth and ran directly to the car.

Reaching out, grabbing the car door tightly, and pleadingly said, "Director Liang, I know you have a prejudice against me, and I think I am one of those people who can only rely on men and get something for nothing."