Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2927: It's time to leave (2)

As a result, the boiled egg had just been taken out and brought to the table, and the Oriole had already reached out and fished one out of the basin.

Regardless of hot hands, while shouting hot, while picking up eggshells with his hands.

Chen Jun's forehead was straight off the black line, and he couldn't help but raised his hand and tapped on her forehead.

"I don't know how to put it down."

Huang Ying uttered, her head dodged aside, but her hand did not stop. She peeled off the eggshell in twos or twos, and then stuffed a tender white egg into her mouth.

Vaguely said, "I haven't eaten for a day, and I'm starving to death."

While speaking, he reached out again and quickly fished out an egg from the basin.

Seeing her hot red fingertips, Chen Jun stretched out his hand angrily and snatched the egg from her hand.

"When I ask you to eat at noon, you don't want to eat, I know I'm hungry now."

Huang Ying was starving to death, too lazy to care about him, and hurriedly reached out to fish in the basin.

But it was shot again by Chen Jun.

Huang Ying rolled his eyes, "Asshole Chen Jun, you are child abuse!"

"There is no child as old as you in this world."

Huang Ying glared at him puffingly.

Chen Jun quickly peeled off the eggshell, and when she was about to speak again, he directly stuffed the pickled egg into her mouth.

Huang Ying almost didn't choke to death by him, "Here is another one."

Chen Jun was speechless, and directly applied the two peeled eggs in her hands to her two red and swollen eyes.

"It's not good to eat too much, cook immediately, you stick to it."

The gentle tone was like coaxing a child.

Huang Ying's eyes were covered by the egg, thinking of something, he hurriedly moved the egg aside a little gap.

"By the way, how are your legs? Stop cooking and show me first."

Really don't know this

Chen Jun sneered, raised his hand and scratched her little nose.

"I'm not as squeamish as you, just wait and don't move."

Huang Ying pouted her mouth, she was squeamish.

Looking at Chen Jun's tall and straight back, a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, a burst of aroma came out.

Huang Ying hurriedly removed the egg from his eyes and saw Chen Jun walked out of the kitchen with a pink hellokitty apron in front of him, holding two bowls in his hands.

The tempting fragrance came out of the bowl in Chen Jun's hand, and the hooked Huang Ying swallowed.

He hurriedly raised his leg and jumped up from the sofa and ran towards the dining room.

The redness and swelling involved in the knees, I breathed in painfully, but my steps didn't stop.

Chen Jun looked angry and funny. After putting the bowl in his hand on the table, he raised his hand and tapped her on the forehead, "Deserve it, I can't move, I'm not obedient."

He still had the warm temperature in his hand when he was serving the bowl, Huang Ying rubbed his warm fingers on his forehead subconsciously, and then stuck out his tongue at him.

Chen Jun was pleased by her unconscious movements, and a smile overflowed from the corner of her eyes.

Huang Ying doesn't care about this, and sits down directly on the chair. It's just a simple bowl of noodle soup with only a few greens in it, but Huang Ying finds it extra delicious.

The warm noodle soup went down her throat and kept warming her whole person, her entire cold life.

Chen Jun looked at someone's utterly unimaginable eating, pursed his lips and smiled. Thinking of what she hadn't finished speaking at the hospital that day, he looked up at her and asked.

"You were in the hospital that day, what did you want to say to me?"