Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2944: I am a good person (5)

After dozens of seconds, the rapidly landing plane finally slowed down.

The plane was bumping violently in the air, and even in such an emergency situation, Xiao Moli still managed to get another five minutes.

Five minutes later, the first officer contacted the tower to evacuate ground personnel and the plane was ready to make an emergency landing.

Everyone's hearts hung high, and within ten seconds, the plane finally landed on the ground with a thud. At the same time, the plane's right wing completely broke off.

The entire plane lost its balance, tilting and spinning wildly on the ground.

Ear-piercing sounds continued to enter the ears, and the entire aircraft seemed to fall apart completely.

The other personnel were being thrown and smashed while wearing their seat belts.

Boom, another violent impact.

After advancing forward for more than ten seconds, the plane finally came to a complete stop.

It took only two minutes for the plane to land until it stopped, but they felt as long as a year.

Fortunately, although the situation was extremely dangerous, they finally landed safely.

After getting off the plane, they discovered that Xiao Moli's forehead, arms, and body were all injured to varying degrees.

Blood continued to fall from his forehead, and almost half of his body was stained blood red.

The first responders hurriedly stepped forward and wanted to bandage him, but Xiao Moli didn't care about anything. He waved his hand and pushed it away, so people prepared the car and drove directly towards the hotel.

The people who followed Xiao Moli saw him like this, and they didn't care about the injuries on his body, and hurriedly followed him.

Since An Ziqi disappeared, I didn't see the present, but it only took more than ten hours. Linman never expected Xiao Moli to come so quickly under such a blizzard.

Seeing the blood on his forehead, he was scared to find someone to check his bandage wound immediately.

"Are there any clues?" Xiao Moli asked in a hoarse voice.

Lin Man shook his head and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, I shouldn't let her come back from the set alone."

Xiao Moli directly pushed away the bandaged person around him, found a laptop to log in to the tracking system, and tracked An Ziqi's body and the signal on his mobile phone.

The tracking system of the dark night originally used satellites.

At this moment, under the strong snowstorm, neither An Ziqi herself nor her mobile phone showed any signal at all.

Xiao Moli got up and walked towards the outside of the hotel.

The blizzard was still raging, Xiao Moli walked in the blizzard, remembering that he and An Ziqi were in Iceland that year, and they were chased and killed in the woods. It was also under such a blizzard.

The two of them depended on each other in that small tree hole, and at least they still had each other at that time.

Now, An Ziqi is alone, where can she hide?

If she gets frostbite, who can help her?

If her snow blindness recurs, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

The more Xiao Moli thought about it, the more frightened he became. He went crazy and searched carefully on the way from the hotel to the studio.

Even after every big tree, I looked for it carefully, for fear that I might miss An Ziqi.

The snow on the ground has already been about one meter thick, and such an environment is enough to cover up all clues.

The people with the aphorisms, the crew, and the people Xiao Moli brought were all constantly looking for.

Xiao Moli searched for three days without sleep, until he couldn't support it anymore and almost fainted.

The blizzard had stopped, and there was still no clue to An Ziqi.