Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2945: I am a good person (6)

The blizzard had stopped, and there was still no clue to An Ziqi.

The atmosphere of the whole hotel is depressing and scary.

Xiao Moli looked very haggard, but his spirit was always tight.

Except for the necessary reports every day, no one dared to come forward and say one more word to him.

Seeing Xiao Moli's haggard appearance, Lin Man felt extremely guilty in his heart.

If she does not let An Ziqi go back to the hotel alone, if she can finish her work ahead of time, go back with her.

But in this world, there has never been an if.

There was a blizzard here, and almost all the signals were cut off. The news of An Ziqi's disappearance didn't need to be deliberately acted on by Xiao Moli, and it was also suppressed without the slightest spread.

On the fifth day, An Ziqi's mobile phone was picked up from the street.

Xiao Moli held it tightly in his hand, and under what circumstances did An Ziqi throw her phone away on the street, Xiao Moli did not dare to think further.

He was afraid that as long as he thought about it, he could not help but want to kill.

I felt very regretful, I only hated why he hung up the phone so quickly.

If he could spend more time talking with her, she wouldn't have an accident.

I hate why he wants to allow her to come here alone.

Xiao Moli looked at the phone in his hand.

An An, where are you?

the other side.

When An Ziqi regained consciousness again, she only felt terrible pain in her head, and she was weak all over her body.

Trying to open his heavy eyes, there was pitch black in front of him, and the surroundings were quiet.

An Ziqi panicked, and then she remembered that when she was on the street before, the snow blindness had relapsed and she could no longer see.

There seemed to be something over his eyes, and he hurriedly raised his hand to pull it off, but still couldn't see anything.

The hand feels soft, it should be on the bed.

The clothes on her are not thick, but she didn't feel the slightest cold.

The sound of the door opening sounded, and there was a sound of footsteps.

An Ziqi hurriedly retracted her body back to the corner of the wall, forcing herself to calm down.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Are you awake?" a man's voice came.

The footsteps were getting closer, and An Ziqi's body shrank subconsciously, "Don't come over, who are you?"

The man paused, and the sound of footsteps stopped in place.

"Don't be afraid, I am not a bad person. Can't you remember my voice?

There was a blizzard that day, and you were suddenly induced to snow blindness on the road. I happened to meet you, and then you passed out suddenly, so I had to bring you back directly. "


An Ziqi held the sheets under her tightly in her hand.

She tried hard to remember what happened that day, but the memory in her head seemed to be getting blurred.

No matter what she thinks, she can't remember anything.

It was as if there was an invisible mouth, constantly swallowing the memories in her mind.

Only large blanks are left.

"Have you remembered?" the man asked caringly.

An Ziqi shook her head.

The man stepped forward cautiously, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. You have been in a coma for a week. You should eat something first, and then think about other things when you have strength."

A warm cup was passed to her hand, and the mellow milk smell passed into her nose.

However, An Ziqi did not have the slightest desire to eat. "Can you call my family for me?"