Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2947: 99 first loves of tacit couples (2)

When the man saw her fear, he wanted to leave, but was afraid that she could not see what would happen.

So I had to stand quietly and watch her not far away.

I don't know how long it took until An Ziqi's emotions slowly calmed down, and the whole person no longer trembled.

The man finally opened his mouth, "I won't go over, don't be afraid, my name is Arthur. Brian, you can call me Arthur. You can't see it now, you should have snow blindness. Normally, People with mild snow blindness only need to rest for a while to restore their vision.

I have asked a doctor to show you before. Your eyes should have suffered from a very serious snow blindness before, so there is no way to recover now.

For the specific situation, the treatment plan can only be determined after the hospital has done a detailed examination.

There is already more than one meter of snow outside, and there may be blizzards in the next few days. I can't send you to the hospital now. You rest here for a few days first, and I will find a way to send you to the hospital as soon as possible.

The blizzard broke the wires and destroyed some signal towers. There is no network signal here. But rest assured, as long as the signal is restored, I will verify your identity as soon as possible and help you find your family. Before that, you just have to rest well. "

An Ziqi still shrank in that corner vigilantly, without saying a word.

She couldn't see it before her eyes, she didn't know where she was now, she didn't know what the person in front of her looked like.

It is even more difficult to judge whether this person is good or bad.

Arthur looked at the cup that had fallen on the bed, and the milk spilled all over her, and spoke again.

"The milk spilled. I'll find someone to change your clothes and sheets."

After speaking, he turned and went out.

Listening to him going out, An Ziqi's nerves that had been tense were loosened a little bit.

A few minutes later, there was a sound of footsteps, and An Ziqi's body instantly tightened again.

As if afraid that she would be afraid, a gentle female voice sounded.

"Miss, don't be afraid. Mr. Arthur asked me to change the sheets and clothes for you. May I pick up the cup on the bed first?"

An Ziqi shrank back subconsciously, and nodded in agreement after a long pause.

After getting her permission, the footsteps sounded.

The cup was picked up from the bed, followed by the sound of putting it on the table.

An Ziqi can't see, everything can only be judged by sound.

"Now, can you move a little to the left? I need to change the sheets and quilt."

Obviously, Arthur was quite thoughtful, and fearing that he would scare An Ziqi as before, he specifically explained that the servant had to seek An Ziqi's opinion before every action.

Only after she agrees can the action be started.

She doesn't nod, can't make any movements.

An Ziqi's tight heart finally relaxed a little.

With the help of this servant, he changed his clothes and ate something simply.

Arthur didn't come to bother her again, just let the maid stay with her all the time, taking care of her 24 hours a day.

Knowing that Arthur was not malicious to her, An Ziqi's guard was relaxed little by little.

Afraid of irritating An Ziqi again, Arthur didn't ask her any other questions except for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Perhaps because of just waking up, or perhaps because of other reasons, An Ziqi was exhausted physically and mentally.