Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2962: 99 first loves of tacit couples (17)

On his face and neck, An Ziqi, who was struggling with emotion, had already scratched many scratches.

The scars are deep or shallow, and some have begun to spill blood.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Linman could already guess what happened without asking at all.

Busy stepped forward, and said eagerly, "Little Li, let her go first. She doesn't know you. We can take it slowly. You will..."

Before she finished speaking, one let go of her and directly touched the anger in Xiao Moli's heart, "Go away, no one can let me let go of her, no one, go away."

An Ziqi only felt that all kinds of noisy voices in her mind were constantly ringing, as if countless people were whispering in her ears, the severe pain instantly exploded in her mind, and the sore head would explode.

There was no extra strength in his hands to resist the struggle, and he covered his head with both hands and shouted in pain, "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

Xiao Moli heard An Ziqi's painful voice, bowed his head hurriedly, and said in a flustered manner, "An An, where do you hurt, don't be afraid, I'm here, I won't let you go. Call a doctor, call a doctor."

Lin Man didn't need to remind Xiao Moli, he had already rushed out of the ward.

A few minutes later, a group of doctors rushed over behind Linman.

Seeing An Ziqi's emotions, the leading doctor immediately stepped forward and directly took out a needle and injected a sedative into An Ziqi's arm.

An Ziqi finally calmed down, her body softened, and she fell straight into Xiao Moli's arms.

"Mr. Xiao, we need to do a detailed inspection on her."

Picking up the person and sending it into the instrument room, Xiao Moli stood by and watched feebly.

Even if he found her, he was still powerless.

An hour later, the examination was finally over and An Ziqi was taken back to the ward.

"How is it?" Xiao Moli asked, looking at the person who was asleep on the bed.

The doctor shook his head, "Sorry, Mr. Xiao, we really can't detect which area of ​​Ms. An's head is wrong. For the patient's consideration, we suggest that you still wait for the blizzard to stop before leaving here and look for it internationally. A more authoritative brain specialist will diagnose and treat Miss An."

Xiao Moli said blankly, "I see, you can go now."

After speaking, he turned to sit down by the hospital bed and held An Ziqi's hand again.

After Lin Man thanked all the doctors, he took everyone out of the ward.

The doctor in the lead hesitated for a moment, and turned to face Xiao Moli.

"Mr. Xiao, Ms. An is now blind in both eyes, has no memory, lacks a sense of security, and is more likely to be emotionally irritated, which can lead to headaches and other symptoms. We suggest that you should not stimulate the patient less, and if the patient has any requirements, try to meet them."

Xiao Moli just looked at An Ziqi without speaking in silence.

For the next few days, Xiao Moli stayed by An Ziqi's bed 24 hours a day.

Two people, one desperately resisted the other's approach, and the other refused to let go.

There were a lot of scratches on Xiao Moli's face and neck.

However, he didn't care at all, and still let her struggle and slap every time.

After the initial panic, fear and desperate struggle, An Ziqi gradually began to stop struggling.

Just silently refuse to eat, refuse to drink water.

She didn't eat, so Xiao Moli accompanied her and didn't eat anything.

After a few days, both of them lost a lot of weight.