Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2993: 99 first loves of tacit couples (24)

Of course, this is only a possibility, and it does not necessarily mean crossing.

Another possibility is that the cave is trying to repair An Ziqi's memory.

This is probably the reason why Mommy would cover her head and cry for pain before.

Xiao Yining was worried that An Ziqi would stay here alone, so she naturally wanted to stay with her in the cave.

When Little Mango and Ye Nianqing saw this, they also wanted to stay with them.

Xiao Yining shook his head and asked the two of them to eat first. Little Mango was hungry before. With Mommy's current situation, there should be no problem in a short time.

Little Mango was worried about something unexpected, so he was worried that Xiao Yining would stay alone. After discussing it, he asked Ye Nianqing to go back and order someone to make dinner and bring it over.

The three little guys squatted on the floor in front of the stone platform and had a simple dinner.

The bright beam had faded long ago, leaving only a layer of bright moonlight falling on An Ziqi.

A shallow moonlight was applied to the surface of her body.

Xiao Yining pursed his lips and stared at An Ziqi on the stone platform.

In the moonlight, the expression on her face was calm and soft, as if she was just asleep.

Half an hour later, there was a rush of footsteps in the passage outside the cave.

Without his permission, the only ones who dared to enter the cave at this time were definitely his Daddy and Xiao Chen.

The three little guys stood up from the ground and turned to look at the direction of the door.

Ten seconds later, Xiao Moli's figure had appeared outside the doorway.

Shortness of breath, apparently from running fast on the road before.

After seeing An Ziqi on the stone platform, her pupils shrank instantly, raising her leg and rushing over.

Reached out and touched her neck. After confirming that she was okay, it was too late to relax and turned to look at Xiao Yining.

"what's the situation?"

Xiao Yining took a step back calmly and briefly described what happened to An Ziqi before.

Xiao Moli obviously thought of some possibility after listening, and his face instantly turned ugly.

Gritting his teeth and raising his leg, he walked quickly towards Xiao Yining, raising his hand to beat him.

"Smelly boy, who asked you to bring your mommy back privately, dare to let her come here to see if I can beat you to death!"

Xiao Yining moved quickly and ran towards the entrance of the cave with a swish.

Posing his lips, "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't want to bring Mommy back in one month!"

"You dare to talk back."

Xiao Moli was about to explode, he just wanted to catch the bear kid and beat him fiercely.

Even if he brought people back secretly behind his back, he heard that An Ziqi had an accident as soon as he came back, and almost didn't scare him to death.

Xiao Yining was chased by Xiao Moli and screamed.

Xiao Chen, who came in immediately behind, raised his eyebrows and directly ignored the father and son and walked towards the middle stone platform.

Xiao Yining, who was about to be caught up by Xiao Moli, hurriedly shouted, "Little Mango."

Little Mango immediately raised his hand and moved towards Xiao Mo.

Xiao Moli's body was instantly controlled in place and unable to move.

Xiao Yining turned around and stuck his tongue out at him, waved at the little mango, and ran out of the cave numbly.

Little Mango and Ye Nianqing shrugged, and ran out behind them.

It was not until the footsteps of the little guys were gone that Xiao Moli finally regained his freedom of movement.

Gritting his teeth and cursing Xiao Yining, he turned and walked towards Xiao Chen.

"Tsk, in order for you to be less abused, I suggest that you provoke your son less in the future." Xiao Chen said while giving An Ziqi a check, while gloating.

Xiao Moli's forehead jumped, "In order for you to be less abused, it is better for you to talk less nonsense. How is she?"

"Everything is normal, I can only wait." Xiao Chen replied.

Fortunately, they did not cross again as they worried. After sleeping in the cave for two days, An Ziqi finally woke up.