Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3076: Give her a big gift

After hearing the voice on the other side of the phone, his face instantly sank.

"I see, everyone stayed at the company for me. Before I went back, I was not allowed to leave one step. Those who participated in the meeting in the morning all went to the conference room and waited."

After speaking, he hung up.

Rong Yan said, "What happened to the company?"

Yun Yi pursed his lips, his eyes were full of gloom, and after a long while, he finally spoke.

"The company's project plan for the next quarter was leaked, and the project department received a call. Several projects have been snatched away by other companies in advance at a price lower than ours."

Face frowned. The morning meeting was originally about Yun's project planning for the next quarter, but it was interrupted because Yun Yi was scalded by water.

Project planning, including budget, is the most important part of a company's development.

Once it leaks out, the opponent will take the opportunity to **** it.

All companies are the same. Before the meeting, no one knew about the project planning and budget except the project manager.

And their meeting was only halfway through, and the project manager didn't even finish the specific plan.

After the meeting, the project manager sent her the project plan and budget and asked her to pass it on to Yun Yi.

Apart from the project manager and Yun Yi, she was the only one who had handled documents.

After thinking about it a little bit, he immediately guessed what those people were thinking.

Are you suspicious of her?

Since she came to work in the company yesterday afternoon, it has only been less than a day.

Someone gave her such a big gift. Should she say that she is too popular or her character is too bad?

The corners of her lips couldn't help but she wanted to see who really hated her so much and gave her this big gift as soon as she came.

He glanced at Yun Yi in a blink of an eye, and he would certainly be able to think of everything she could think of.

What does he think, will he believe her?

Still like everyone else, doubt her?

The company's project plan was leaked. This is a big deal. Maybe the plans for the next quarter will all be ruined, and Yun's will also suffer serious losses.

Rong Yan stepped on the gas pedal to speed up.

Yun Yi frowned, "You drove so fast, rushing back to reincarnate? Something happened, Little Mango has to worry about it again."

The corners of Yen Yan's lips twitched, taking his awkward concern, and slowing down a little.

When I returned to the company, the company was already depressed and silent.

Yun Yi went directly to the meeting room with his face.

Everyone in the morning meeting was already there waiting.

Yun Yi sullenly went to the front position and sat down, raising his eyes and scanning the conference room.

Eyes swept over everyone sitting, and everyone's bodies instantly stiffened, as if they were afraid that Yun Yi's gaze would stay on him and become a suspected person.

The huge conference room was quiet, and everyone's breathing could be heard clearly.

Yun Yi pursed his lower lip and said to everyone, "Whoever it is, give you a chance to confess, I will let you survive. Otherwise, if I get caught, you will be dead."

The meeting room was still quiet, and everyone was drumming.

With such a big event happening, Mr. Yun's posture is definitely to catch the person who leaked the news today.

It's just that no matter who it is at this time, if you say a word, it is possible to make yourself a suspect or a so-called spy.

They all closed their mouths involuntarily.

Yun Yi snorted coldly, "Since I didn't say anything, you will all bear the responsibility and loss of the leaked information together."