Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3099: Xiao Moli is crazy (2)

Ten minutes later, Ye Wuge and Jiayin arrived. Seeing that he was already drinking, Ye Wuge smirked and stepped forward.

"Congratulations, the single dog successfully got out of the singles, the hero saves the United States and has a new love."

"Go away, Xinhuan, you want to send you off."

Yun Yi said irritably.

Ye Wuge smiled and sat down beside him, "Okay, send it off, it's not me who turned into a single dog anyway."

In terms of death, the only thing that can rival Yun Yi is Ye Wuge.

Sure enough, the next second, Kayin stretched out his hand next to him and grabbed his collar, pulled the person over, and slammed his small fist towards him.

"Asshole, do you dare to plan to find a new love again?"

Ye Wuge was smashed in an instant, yelling, and quickly dodged while begging Jiayin for mercy, "Wife, my wife, I'm just joking. With you, my new and old love will always be you alone."

"Don't be greasy, you dare to have this kind of thought, see if I won't beat you to death today." Jiayin chased Ye Wuge in the box.

The door of the box opened, and Yuntian walked in with Xia Xing, glanced at the two of them, and directly protected Xia Xing to the innermost position.

When Xiao Moli came with An Ziqi, he walked into the box and saw Jiayin beating Ye Wuge wildly.

An Ziqi couldn't help but startled, and subconsciously shrank to Xiao Moli's side, Xiao Moli stretched out his hand to protect her in his arms.

Throwing countless eye knives towards the two people over there, "Ye Wuge, do you want to die?"

Needless to think about it, this guy definitely doesn't know how to provoke Kayin.

When Jiayin heard his voice over there, he immediately stopped, and ran to An Ziqi with a smile on his face, and enthusiastically took her hand.

"Little sister-in-law."

An Ziqi couldn't help but feel embarrassed, the speed of this face change is too fast, right?

It's as if she wasn't the one who was beating someone violently just now.

Seeing An Ziqi not speaking, Jiayin smiled and added, "Sister-in-law, don't you remember me? I am Jiayin, your favorite Jialan's daughter."

Later, Ye Wuge added a busy sentence, "It's my wife."

"Fuck, you find your Xinhuan." Jiayin turned to scold him, and then looked back at An Ziqi with a smile.

"Wow, you are the daughter of a male god."

An Ziqi's eyes lit up instantly, "Where is your daddy? Is he here?"

"Daddy has traveled around the world, but if you want to see me, I can call him right away." Jiayin said with a smile.

"Huh? Really?"

An Ziqi's excited eyes gleamed.

Xiao Moli's face turned black for an instant, male god?

Jialan is indeed the biggest rival of men in the world!

Over there, Jiayin quickly used his daddy to successfully pull An Ziqi closer, took An Ziqi to the other side and introduced Xia Xing, Yun Tian to her.

Although An Ziqi has forgotten them, she has also seen from the news that she and Xia Xing, and Ye Wuge are friends.

And before coming, Xiao Moli also briefly told her.

Therefore, the sense of distance soon disappeared, and I chatted happily with the three little women, Xia Xing and Jia Yin.

Ye Wuge also leaned over, and while being violently beaten by Jiayin, he yelled and chatted with An Ziqi.

The provoked An Ziqi laughed endlessly, thinking that the couple are too cute, they are a pair of live treasures.

Xiao Moli smiled happily when he saw that she was okay, and then he was relieved and sat down not far from An Ziqi.