Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3111: Forgotten by time

Ten minutes later, the car on Linxi Road stopped in front of the fourth high school.

Before the car stopped, he opened the door and rushed down, swiftly running towards the school.

Today is the weekend, and the bustling school in the past seemed a bit deserted.

The uncle doorman was sitting at the door leisurely reading the news with a newspaper, and he felt a whirlwind running past him.

When I looked up, I saw a person running in as if flying, yelling hurriedly, "Hey, what class are you in? You are not allowed to enter school on weekends."

Before he could catch up with someone, he was gone, so he turned around and returned to the entrance of the school, ready to stop him when he came out for a while.

Linxi Road ran all the way to the small garden behind the school's experimental building.

The location there is relatively remote, and few people take the initiative to go there on weekdays.

But when they were in school, An Ziqi accidentally discovered there once.

At that time, a large area of ​​Wisteria sinensis was blooming there, which looked like a sea of ​​lavender flowers.

The beauty in that quiet and remote corner is thrilling.

Opposite a large area of ​​Wisteria chinensis, outside the school wall, there happened to be a small church.

Sitting under that piece of wisteria, you can hear the bells ringing in the church, and you can see snow-white pigeons roaming or flying on the roof of the church.

An Ziqi fell in love with it at once, and since then, it has become her secret base.

When I am happy, when I am sad, I will all go there.

Thinking of Lin Xilu, he ran even faster under his feet.

When he walked around the teaching building, playground, and laboratory building out of breath, he saw her tiny figure hiding there immediately.

It is no longer the season for the blooming of Wisteria sylvestris, only flower branches are scattered around there.

An Ziqi's slightly thin body hid there, looking inexplicably sad.

At this moment, she was raising her head and looking in the opposite direction.

The church outside the school has already been demolished and turned into a tall office building.

There was a trace of melancholy and a trace of sadness in her eyes.

Lin Xilu felt a sharp pain in her heart, stepped forward and said carefully, "Ziqi."

An Ziqi didn't look back, just leaned on the dead branch next to her, opening a bit sadly.

"I just want to find a place I am familiar with, why is it so difficult?"

Lin Xilu pursed her lips, slowly sat down not far from her, and turned her head to look in the direction of the original church with her.

"No one, nothing, can stay in place forever."

Twelve years, the time is long enough, enough to be forgotten, enough for everything to be earth-shaking.

Enough for them to go from ignorance to separation, from familiar to unfamiliar.

An Ziqi listened to his words, but her eyes were a little red.

She couldn't figure it out no matter what, why would she immediately lose all the memories of the twelve years when she woke up?

Why did everyone around her have undergone earth-shaking changes, but she was forgotten by time and stayed in place?

She wanted to find everything she was familiar with, but she turned her head down to find that everything had already been turned upside down.

Lin Xilu looked at her sad look, her hand on her side tightened, and her lips pursed.

"Go home, your parents and Mo Li are all worried about you."

An Ziqi bit her lip, "Can you tell me what has happened all these years?"