Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 312: A paper contract (Tianxing vs. Yuntian)

When An Ziqi left, the smile on Xia Xing's face disappeared.

She has lived there for several years, and although the rent has occasionally increased, it has never risen so ridiculously.

The increase from 3,000 to 10,000 is not a rent increase at all, it is clear that it is driving people away.

Is this really just a coincidence?

still is……

Just thinking about it, the phone rang.

"Tianxing, there's really no way for mom, you can find someone to save your dad."

Her mother's cry came through the phone.

Xia Xing suddenly became anxious, "Mom, don't cry first, make it clear, what's wrong with Dad?"

"Your dad and I have been laid off at home for half a month. I was afraid that you were worried and never told you. Two days ago, your dad wanted to put a snack on the side of the road to make some money, but he was arrested by the city management. After using various methods, they refused to let them go. Mom really has no choice."

Xia Xing bit his lips, and a layer of sorrow filled his heart.

From all the roles rejected her to the landlord chasing her out, now her parents are laid off, and her father is arrested, all this happened after she met Yuntian again.

One is a coincidence, and the other is a coincidence. Are these all coincidences?

Besides Yuntian, who else would treat her like this?

What does he want?

"Sky Star."

"Mom, I know, don't worry, I will find a way right away."

Xia Xing hung up the phone, closed his eyes, and dialed out the familiar phone number.

The call was quickly connected.

Xia Xing's heart trembled suddenly. She thought he had changed his number a long time ago, but she didn't expect that five years later, he was still using this number.

"Hey." He heard his low voice over there.

Xia Xing suddenly didn't know what to say.

Both of them were silent, and Xia Xing was about to speak when he had already hung up the phone impatiently.

Listening to the beep on the phone, Xia Xing suddenly felt sad.

She and his number are couple numbers. In the past five years, she has not changed the number, nor has he changed the number, so he must know that she made the call.

The person who once held her in the palm of his hand is now impatient with the phone connected to her.

He gritted his teeth and dialed again.

"I'll give you a minute, hurry up if you want to say anything." On the other side of the phone, Yuntian said cleanly.

"Where are you?" Xia Xing asked, biting his lip.

"The lobby on the first floor of the TOP club." After Yuntian finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Did not ask her anything, nor did she ask if she was going to find him, as if she was just answering a question.

Xia Xing was bitter in his heart, got up and looked at his haggard in the mirror, sorted out some messy hair a bit, and turned to go out.

The TOP club is the most luxurious and top club in S City, bringing together almost all the celebrities in S City. There are many big and small celebrities in the entertainment industry, and some single women in this city, who want to marry a rich family, they will come here to try their luck.

Xia Xing has always disliked this kind of place. Whether it was just popular before or after she was down, she never thought about finding a rich man here.

The only time she was there was a nightmare she would never want to recall in her life.

If it were not for her father, she would never step into such a place again in her life.

Standing outside the club's door, looking at the luxuriously decorated door, Xia Xing took a deep breath, clenched his palm, bit his lip and walked towards the inside.