Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3148: Desperately (2)

After a long time, Rong Yan finally slowly opened his eyes.

Yun Yi squatted down in front of her hurriedly, and asked nervously, "How are you?"

Rong Yan pursed her lower lip and shook her head, "I'm fine, but I'm afraid there is a real problem with this large area of ​​so-called jade mine."

As soon as Yun Yi heard that she didn't care about herself at this time, he only thought about the jade mine, and instantly became angry.

He yelled directly at her, "You stupid woman, who told you to probe so desperately? I don't know it now. You can let someone come over and use professional equipment to detect when you go back. Why is it necessary for you to work hard here. "

Although he yelled, his face knew that this guy was caring about her awkwardly.

But he always likes duplicity, one day she will let him get rid of this stinking problem.

I didn't mind, "I know, I'm your secretary, I can't let you go for nothing."

Before Yun Yi yelled at her again, he continued.

"The outer part of this jade mine is indeed a jade mine, but it continues to be about 20 or 30 meters below and starts to appear abnormal. It seems to be a kind of..."

He twisted his eyebrows and thought for a moment, "It seems to be a kind of radiant mineral, not only the mountain under our feet, but the other surrounding mountains are also the same.

In other words, in this huge mining area, except for the outer layer is a jade mine, the part surrounded by jade is a kind of associated ore that has strong radiation and is very harmful to the human body. Even if they bring professional equipment, they may not be able to detect it. "

Radiation caused her superpowers to be distorted, which is why she felt so strong.

Yun Yi's face was gloomy, and he had no doubt about his face.

If this whole large area of ​​mining area is actually mined, it is definitely not just the mining workers who will be exposed to radiation accidents at that time.

This is equivalent to directly digging a landmine. Once it is exploded, the impact will be incalculable.

Obviously, this so-called mining area was a bureau deliberately set up for him.

However, this is not the time to be held accountable now.

With a long arm stretched out, he hugged his face horizontally.

"Hey, men and women can't kiss me, you're still addicted to holding me." The face protested with dissatisfaction.

Yun Yi glared at her, found a flat grass, put her down, let her rest first.

The weather in the mountains changes as soon as it changes. The sky was still clear just now, but after a while, clouds immediately covered the top of the head.

There is still a long distance from the foot of the mountain, depending on the situation, it is going to rain heavily.

Rong Yan didn't dare to delay any longer, got up busy and rushed down the mountain with Yun Yi.

Before the two had walked a few steps, lightning and thunder had already occurred, and raindrops the size of soybeans hit them directly from the top of their heads.

Yun Yi immediately took off his coat and put it on her face, stretched out her hand and ran down the mountain quickly.

The road down the mountain was not easy to walk. There was water dripping under the feet of the two of them, and they stumbled all the way, before they walked down about a quarter of the distance. The raindrops in the sky had turned into pouring rain.

The rain, mixed with gravel and soil, continuously flows down from the top of the mountain, winding down one by one and finally gathering together, getting bigger and bigger.

The stones washed down from above are getting bigger and bigger.

Yun Yi stopped, bent over quickly, stretched out his hand and dug **** the ground.

His face instantly became extremely ugly.