Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3151: Touched, touched (3)

Tears had already rained down on his face, mixed in the cold rain, and I couldn't tell whether tears flooded the rain, or rain flooded the tears.

"Yun Yi, you fool, don't you hate me so much, why do you want to save me? Why..."

However, the world is so big that anyone who can answer her doesn't know where she was taken.

Yan Yan raised her hand fiercely and wiped the tears from her face, she didn't believe that Yun Yi would really have an accident.

Even if he is taken away by a flash flood, he will definitely have a way.

She can't be stupid here.

Mountain torrents are water without a root, unlike a river that has its own source.

After the big outbreak just now, there has been a tendency to decrease gradually.

However, the rain in the sky is still pouring, and there are dangers all around at any time.

She must rush to find Yun Yi before the next mudslide erupts again.

The mountain torrent rushed out a ravine on the surface of the mountain. As the water potential decreased, it did not continue to spread, and washed away with the ravine.

Rong Yan quickly descended along the edge of the gully not far away, while gritting his teeth to urge the superpowers in his body to probe around, while constantly shouting Yun Yi's name.

The muddy water under her feet has submerged above her ankles, mixed with sharp gravel and broken branches from time to time across her feet and calves.

The blood spread out in an instant, and then was quickly washed away by muddy water.

However, his face didn't feel the pain at all, but he looked around anxiously and shouted.

The mudslides that broke out at any time rushed past her from time to time.

The face escaped hard time and time again, "Yun Yi, Yun Yi..."

"Cough" a faint cough came from the rain curtain.

"Ugly woman, I'm not dead yet, are you calling the soul?"

The sound was submerged in the rain, and it was so faint that it was almost inaudible, let alone which direction it was in.

The heavy rain blocked her sight, and it was almost invisible one meter away.

Yan Yan turned his head fiercely and looked around in a panic, for fear that what she had just heard was just an illusion.

She was already extremely tired, and the range of her superpowers could barely maintain a little distance.

After a long while, Yun Yi was finally detected a few meters away from her.

Looking at nothing, she raised her leg and rushed towards Yun Yi's direction quickly.

After running down about seven or eight meters, I finally saw Yun Yi.

The clothes on his body had already been stained with mud and water, and his handsome cheeks and messy hair were also covered with mud and water.

Two arms tightly hugged a big tree next to him, and the lower half of his body was still in the ravine of the mountain torrent.

The whole person was supported by the tree with two arms.

Yan Yan quickly stepped forward, rushed over, and dragged his legs out of the mountain torrent with all his strength.

Then he bent over and stretched out his hands to hug his upper body, tried to support him, put him on his shoulders, and went to the side to a safe zone more than ten meters away.

Said it is a safe zone, it is only relatively temporarily safe, because I don't know when and where the next mudslide will erupt.

As long as they stay on this mountain for a moment, they are dangerous.

Rong Yan found a slightly flat place and put Yun Yi down again.

Yun Yi couldn't help snorting, his cold sweat mixed in the rain.

The face frowned, and immediately took off the coat Yun Yi had given her to protect her from the rain, and put it on Yun Yi's head.