Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3161: The secret in her

Xiao Chen was the first to walk out of the operating room, behind which was Yun Yi pushed by many medical staff.

This is their big boss. Although Yun Yi is always unreliable on weekdays, he can basically mingle with these people in the hospital every time he goes to the hospital.

Almost never put any bosses on them.

Moreover, their welfare treatment is definitely the best in hospitals in the country.

They have no plans to change their bosses for the time being, so one is more careful than one, and they don't even dare to get out of the air for fear that it will cause him more serious injuries.

Seeing Rong Yan standing outside, Xiao Chen stepped forward and said directly, "He is fine for the time being, and as long as the situation stabilizes, he can be completely out of danger."

"Thank you."

Yan Yan said in a hoarse voice.

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows and was about to speak.

A group of doctors and nurses over there has pushed Yun Yi to the ward, calling him.

Xiao Chen said to Rong Yan, "You are waiting for me here now."

After speaking, he immediately walked towards the intensive care unit over there.

He can be sure that there must be injuries on his face, and it is still very serious.

It's just that the face has been reluctant to say it, and he refuses to let him check it, just clenching his teeth in silence.

This forbearance of character reminded him of Lan Yue.

He had already guessed about the identity of Rongyan, and he would verify it to her after checking her for a while.

Rong Yan watched the door of the intensive care unit closed, his body swayed in place, and turned and walked towards the outside of the hospital.

It's not that she doesn't understand Xiao Chen's words, but she also knows that Xiao Chen must have seen her injuries.

However, as long as her wound is examined, someone will definitely discover her secrets.

Even though this Xiao Chen was on Yun Yi's side, they were in the hospital now.

As long as her bloodstains leave any blood samples in the hospital, they will be discovered by those who have been pursuing her.

At that time, in order to catch her, those organizations may not unite to break into S City in spite of Xiao Mo and Li Yunyi.

She can't be afraid, but for Little Mango, she must hide herself completely.

Staggered downstairs and walked towards the hospital gate.

The sky in S city was very clear, and it was already quite a while, and the bright sun in the sky was shining on her.

Rong Yan's eyes gradually began to darken, struggling to hold a sigh of relief, and walked towards the hospital door with difficulty.

At the entrance of the hospital, the hustle and bustle sound had reached her ears.

However, her eyes are getting darker and darker, and her feet can only move forward mechanically with instinct.


A familiar voice rang in her ears, and then her shaky body was held on.

"What's the matter with you? Are you injured? Or is it uncomfortable?"

Rong Yan closed her eyes vigorously, then reluctantly opened them, seeing the vague figure in front of her, "I'm fine, Mr. Huo, please take me out of here first."

"What's okay? I'll take you in to see the doctor right away. Where's Yun Yi? Did he leave you here alone? Bastard, I'll ask him to settle the account."

Huo Siting said angrily.

"No, take me away, Mr. Huo, please." Yan Yan pleaded, holding Huo Siting's arm tightly with both hands.

With her current state, it is difficult to leave here alone before Xiao Chen finds out about her.

"No, you must see a doctor right away."

Huo Siting raised his hand and touched her forehead, the temperature was hot and scary.

And Yan Yan's hand holding his arm was trembling violently, obviously the situation was not good.