Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3174: Be her knight

Seeing him joking to comfort her at this time, his face and eyes were instantly blurred.

Turning his head and quietly raising his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of his eyes, he helped him to sit down on the sofa in the living room, and hurriedly pulled a tissue from the table to help him wipe the blood from his face.

Holding back the tears in his eyes, he asked, "Are there any injuries?"

Huo Siting raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eye, but when he saw his blood-stained hand, he put it back again.

He smiled and comforted, "Really...cough cough...It's really okay, it's just a wound."

"I'll get the medicine box." The face, eyes and nose were all sore.

She was afraid that if Huo Siting said more, her tears would fall.

Huo Siting stretched out his hand to hold her, and pulled her aside to sit down on the sofa.

Inhaled slightly, "The injury on your shoulder is not healed, don't move, I'm okay, I will give you medicine first."

When Yun Yi came, he was just changing the dressing of his face, but before he could finish the dressing, Yun Yi came.

His face was grabbed by his shoulder just now, and the wound must be reopened at this moment.

He quickly went to the room and took the medicine kit out, went to the back of the face, and gently pulled the clothes on her shoulders.

Sure enough, the half-wrapped gauze had been stained with her pink blood at this moment.

Twist your eyebrows and carefully remove the sofa from the wound.

Although a week has passed, the wound behind his face and shoulders is still terrifying and hideous.

Especially the blood holes pierced by wolf teeth, there is no sign of healing at all.

Huo Siting's brows couldn't help but clenched tightly.

Quickly took out the antibiotics and detoxification serum from the medicine box on the side, injected her again, and then carefully applied the medicine to her.

"This wolf tooth may be poisonous. I know a few medical experts in the capital. I'll call and ask about it later..."

Huo Siting spoke carefully while spilling hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs onto the wound.

The tears in Rongyan's eyes could no longer be controlled, and they fell instantly.

Huo Siting was taken aback, stopped his hands hurriedly, and said eagerly, "What's wrong? Is it because I am too strong and hurt you?"

The tears in Rong Yan's eyes were more turbulent, and she looked at him dimly and shook his head, "I'm sorry, Huo Siting, I'm sorry, I really don't deserve you to treat me like this."

He was kind to her, she saw it, but she didn't expect it to be rewarded.

She can't give what he wants.

Even if she didn't like Yun Yi, but the mess behind her, she couldn't pull Huo Siting into this dangerous vortex.

Huo Siting watched her eyes soften, raised his hand and pulled a tissue from the table beside him, wiping the tears from her face.

With a gentle smile, "Whether it's worth it or not, it doesn't count for anyone except myself. Looks, I know that you like Yun Yi, and I also know that your heart is very painful, and you have many secrets.

I will not interfere with your decision, nor will I betray your secrets.

No matter who you like, no matter who you want to be with, I just want you to be happy.

However, you have the right you like, and I also have the right to guard.

Until you find this person, I will always be by your side, be your knight, and protect you!

Whenever you are willing to look back, I will always be there. "

Listening to Huo Siting's words, tears were already raining down his face.