Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3234: You are too hot

A hint of sweet breath spread from the heart to the whole body.

Even the breath seemed to have a sweet taste.

Lie back into his arms again, the little hand grabbed his fingers, and replied in a low voice, "Yes."

Yun Yi embraced the soft body in her arms and looked at her meekly relying on herself, only feeling unprecedented satisfaction.

Of course, it would be more satisfying if there wasn't that little **** who disturbed the world of both him and his face all day long.

The two were warm and sweet when the phone on the table rang suddenly.

Yun Yi reached out and took it, kissed her face on the forehead, and handed the phone to her.

Rong Yan found a comfortable posture in Yun Yi's arms and glanced at the phone screen. It was an unfamiliar number. Without thinking about it, she pressed the answer button.

"Hello there."

"Sister, long time no see." A low laugh came from the other side of the phone.

Rong Yan heard this sound, and her hand holding the phone tightened abruptly.

He bit his lower lip hard and said in a deep voice, "Sorry, you made the wrong call."

After speaking, he hung up.

But there was a huge wave in my heart.

At the banquet accompanied by Huo Siting that day, she accidentally saw a figure.

These days, she has been thinking about whether she misunderstood the figure or is she really.

Now it seems that it is her!

With a loud elder sister, she was directly driven from the happy heaven to hell!

It looked like a shovel, turning all the cold and merciless memories deep in my mind all at once.

Blood was placed before her eyes.

The body that was still warm before instantly became cold again.

I closed my eyes and thought about it carefully. Yun Yi had leaked enough information to her before.

The situation in the capital was surging. In addition to the Feng Family, the other Chen Family, Ming Family, and Mo Family had their own plans.

If Huang Qichao's incident was the fuse, then Yun Yi was trapped and almost died in the mountains, which definitely lit the flames of this storm.

And the Ming family and the Mo family...

Biting his lower lip hard, his hands and feet became more and more cold.

"What's the matter?" Yun Yi felt her somewhat stiff body, broke her small face, and looked at her with eyebrows.

The face recovered and smiled at him reluctantly, "It''s okay, it's just the wrong call."

"Really all right?" Yun Yi looked at her.

"En." The face replied, and he squatted back into his arms again, but he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Yun Yi took her little hand, touched her cold palm, frowning tighter, "Why is the hand so cold?"

Rongyan smiled and touched his hand on his forehead, "You are too hot."

Looking at the drip on his hand, he stood up and said, "I'll go out and ask the nurse to come over and change your dressing."

"Just press the pager." Yun Yi pulled her dissatisfied and refused to let go.

It's not easy to get, so I don't want to be separated even by minute.

Rongyan smiled and raised his hand, and touched his head like coaxing Little Mango.

"Why are you like a child, so clingy, Little Mango is better than you."

"You are my wife, of course you want to stick to you. If I stick to other women, you will cry." Yun Yi said disapprovingly.

He sneered and squeezed his cheeks hard, "Smelly, well, every time you press the beeper, you can scare the doctors to death. Let me call them. Good deed, I'll be back when I go."