Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3265: Just my woman

"I only need to know that she will be my woman in the future." Yun Yi said solemnly.

"Your woman? Huh, is Miss Ming's identity enough?"

Yun Yi's body froze abruptly, "Why do you think I will believe you?"

"If she is not, do you think I can take her away?" Mingzhu smiled sarcastically.

Yun Yi squeezed the phone's hand fiercely, "As far as I know, your father has been looking for your missing sister for the past two years, just to cooperate with the Mo family.

If she is really the Ming family eldest, she is the key to the cooperation between the Ming family and the Mo family at this moment.

Are you sure that in this extremely unfavorable situation to the Ming family, you dare to kill her? "

Mingzhu smiled indifferently, "Yes, my dad hopes to get her back, but it's not me.

I don't care about her life or death, only my purpose, if she is useless to me..."

She didn't finish the words behind, but the threat in the words was obvious.

Yun Yi's fingertips turned white while holding the phone.

After first knowing that Rongyan is Little Mango's mother, he has already asked her to be investigated.

No family, no past, no background.

It's not that she has deliberately concealed her other identity.

She didn't want to say that she must have her own difficulties, so he didn't ask.

However, he didn't expect that his face would be the Ming family eldest who had been missing for ten years.

It suddenly flashed in my mind when Xiao Moli and Chen Jun came to the hospital that day.

No wonder he said to find the eldest lady of the Ming family and then kill her, his face would be so ugly.

No wonder his face has been absent-minded during this period of time.

He only thought he said he wanted to take her home, so she was nervous,

It turned out that the truth of the matter turned out to be this way.

Seeing him not speaking, Mingzhu smiled over there.

"She is the eldest Miss Mingjing of the Ming family who has been missing for ten years. Not only she is, but even your son has the blood of the Ming family. How about it, isn't it shocking? Now, does Yun always want the entire Ming family to be buried? "

Yun Yi snorted coldly, "I don't care what Ming family eldest girl is, or Ming Jing, in my eyes, she is just my woman, her face.

Do you dare to move her another finger, Mingzhu, I promise I will cut you a thousand times and make you hard to die. "

He was not happy that she was hiding her identity from him, but even if he had to settle accounts with her, even if he had to clean up her, that was his business, his woman.

Never allow others to hurt her.

"Zong Yun should know that if Ming Jing returns to the Ming family, he will definitely marry the Mo family.

If you love her so much, you definitely don't want your sister to marry other men.

I do the same, don't want to see the man I like marrying other women.

Since our two goals are the same, why didn't Mr. Yun choose to cooperate with me? "Mingzhu smiled confidently on the phone.

Yun Yi sneered, "Brother, I will not betray. My woman, I will save myself.

Mingzhu, don't forget, this is my site. If you still want to live, be polite to my woman and serve her to me before I find it. "

Mingzhu gritted her teeth, and Yun Yi was right in saying that in the current situation of the Ming family, although she hated Mingjing, she did not dare to kill her.

Otherwise, if Ming Shengru knew that she had broken his plan to join forces with the Mohist school, she would definitely not end well.

This is also the reason why she would seek cooperation with Yun Yi after catching the Pearl.