Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3270: Died ten years ago

From the door to her, just a short distance.

However, every step, like a shoe with a sharp knife, stepped on her heart.

Stepping on a **** flower in one step reminded her of the unbearable past.

"Look up." The nightmare voice rang in front of him.

The face closed his eyes tightly, what should come is to come after all, some things, some people always have to face.

Slowly raised his head and looked at the man standing in front of him.

When Ming Shengru saw the face in front of him, his pupils shrank instantly.

Standing there condescendingly, looked at her for a long time in disbelief.

A light of calculation flashed in his eyes.

Then he finally bent down and tore off the rag that had been stuck in her mouth.

"bright and clean?"

Yan Yan sneered, "I'm sorry, Minister Ming, I am Yan Yan, Yun Yi's woman, and a small employee of the company.

I can have many identities, but it is not so clear. Ming Jing in your mouth died ten years ago. "

Ming Shengru looked at her, the expression on his face changed again, and finally he just straightened up and said.

"Since Mingzhu has found you back, from today onwards, I will restore your identity as Miss Mingjia."

Rong Yan looked at him and smiled sarcastically, "Minister Ming, but I haven't seen you in ten years. Are you unable to understand people? Or have you become as stupid as your daughter?

Did I say what I want as Miss Mingjia? "

She had just finished speaking, Ming Shengru had already grabbed her from the ground with one hand, and slapped her face with the other backhand.

"You wicked obstacle! How dare to speak to your father like this."

"Dad? Ming Shengru, what face do you have for me to call your father? My face, there is no father in this life."

One of her cheeks was already swollen, but she seemed to feel no pain at all, with a mocking smile on her face.

Ming Shengru was irritated by her and was about to raise his hand to fight again. Thinking of something, he forcibly resisted the anger in his heart, "The Ming family needs you now, it is your honor. If you don't return to the Ming family, you can't help it."

With a silent sneer, and not seeing him for many years, this Ming Shengru is really getting more and more shameless.

"The Ming family needs it. Will the Ming family need me to go back?

If Minister Ming doesn't understand people, then I will explain it again.

I don’t care about the identity of your Miss Ming family. From the day I was forced to leave home and wander on the streets, even if I died, I never wanted to come back again.

I don't need this honor. If Minister Ming doesn't have me, and there is another daughter, just give it to her. "

Ming Shengru looked at her, "Mingjing, I know, back then..."

"Mingjing is dead. I have forgotten what happened back then, so Minister Ming doesn't need to talk about it anymore.

If I guessed correctly, it should be the idiot Mingzhu who was caught by Yun Yi, and Yun Yi is calling you to let him go.

Since Minister Ming found this place, just do as he does. You let me go, Yun Yi let go of the pearl.

From then on, I still have a face, you are still your Minister Ming, and I have nothing to do with you or the Ming family. "

There was always a smile on her face, there was no hoarseness, no yelling in anger, and no trace of embarrassment even if he was beaten.

Although I suddenly saw a tremor in Ming Shengru's heart before.

But in fact, thinking about it carefully, it is not surprising that he will appear here.

The idiot Mingzhu first threatened her with Yun Yi and Xiao Mango.