Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3278: Will you marry him?

I have to say that Ming Shengru played this trick quite cleverly. People can also have plastic surgery, so the paternity test can naturally be faked.

Directly in front of everyone, he plucked out his hair and his face in an open manner, and handed it to everyone below.

Those who don’t believe can go to the hospital for identification.

And by then, there must not be only one media outlet, so the multimedia is all staring at it, and no one dares to manipulate their hair.

His attitude is so open, no need to say anything, almost instantly, most of the media have already chosen to believe him.

After all, if it weren't for his biological daughter, he would definitely not dare to do so.

The doubts in everyone's mind about the identity of Miss Rong Yanming's family have basically been completely dispelled.

Since there is no problem with identity, then another issue that everyone cares about comes.

"Minister Ming, as far as we know, there is a marriage contract between the eldest lady and the young master of the Mo family. When the eldest returns to the Ming family this time, will she honor the marriage contract with the Mo family and marry the young master?"

This is the top priority of all issues today.

For a time, all the media and footage looked at Ming Shengru, waiting for his reply.

"The marriage contract was made by the Ming family and the Mo family. Naturally, our Ming family will not unilaterally break the contract."

One sentence not only expressed his position, but also blocked any possibility that the Mo family wanted to break the contract.

This kind of well-known marriage contract, if the face does not return, the Mo family can unilaterally terminate the marriage contract with the Ming family.

But now with the return of his face and Ming Shengru's statement, if the Mohist broke the contract at this time, it would be tantamount to not keeping promises and directly ruining the Mohist's reputation.

"Minister Ming, now we are advocating free love, you choose this way now, have you considered the eldest lady's personal wishes?"

Below, the reporter came here clearly prepared.

"Well, you can ask my daughter on the spot. I still focus on my daughter's happiness here. Although I will not take the initiative to break the contract, if my daughter feels unhappy and unwilling, I am willing to bear the consequences of the Ming family breaking the contract. "

Ming Sheng Confucian replied in front of all the media.

The image of a good father stood up in front of everyone almost instantly.

People who don't know think he is a person who loves his daughter.

The media nearby immediately raised a question to the face, "Miss Ming, if you say that you don't have the memories of the past, that means you don't remember the little young master of the Mo family.

So, will you marry him? "

The face bit her lower lip hard, and the smell of blood filled her mouth almost instantly.

She didn't want to, and didn't want to answer this question.

As long as she thinks of Yun Yi who is watching her in front of the TV at this moment, she can't restrain her heart from bursts of tearing pain.

That's the person she loves the most. Why did she hurt him in front of so many people?

The media below had already started to talk, Ming Shengru smiled and said to the media.

"My daughter has never seen such a big battle before. It is inevitable that she is a little nervous at this moment. Please don't mind."

Then he turned his head and reminded his face, "Mingjing, the media are waiting."

The threats in the words can be heard more clearly than anyone else.

The hand under the table was grasped and held again, and his face took a deep breath, raised his head and smiled barely at the media underneath, and said with great difficulty.