Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3294

"The young man has already gone to greet Mr. Mo in advance in the morning, and you will go to see Mr. Mo with me tomorrow."

The face tightly squeezed his lower body sideways, pursing his lips and replied, "I see."

"Well, you go back and prepare, and you will leave in fifteen minutes."

Ming Shengru raised his hand to look at the time and said.

She didn't care that she hadn't eaten breakfast, and she didn't care if she didn't feel well after getting up so late.

In his eyes, she was just a tool for marriage.

Rong Yan already knew this well, but he didn't feel sad about it.

Just faintly said, "No need to prepare, let's go."

There has never been a thing here that belongs to her, and she doesn't need to prepare anything or take it away.

If she could, she would never come back in her life.

When Liu Ma on the side saw this, she hurriedly turned to the kitchen and took a box of pastries and hurried it out and stuffed it into her hands.

"Miss, you didn't eat anything this morning, you must be hungry now.

I have to catch a plane in a while, fly for several hours, eat something to cushion my stomach first, so as to avoid stomach pain. "

After speaking, she shook her hand vigorously, "This is what I have prepared for a long time, and the lady must eat it."

Rong Yan took it, and after ten years, she returned to the Ming's home, and the only warmth she felt came from Liu Ma.

Although she didn't come here for a long time, if she came back too late every night, Liu Ma would give her a supper, and in the morning would prepare breakfast for her and put it in an incubator.

Caring for her all the time.

He hugged her hard, "Thank you Liu Ma."

"What the eldest said, it's my business." Liu Ma lightly patted her behind her back twice.

Released her, then turned and walked towards Su Yao's bedroom, muttering to herself, "Strange, my wife has clearly found no mice in her bedroom many times. Why does the wife always say that there are mice at night?"

Rong Yan couldn't help being surprised when she heard this. She had heard Liu Ma mentioned several times before that the mouse could not be found in Su Yao's bedroom.

She hadn't found a mouse after living in Ming's house for more than ten years before. Why are there so many mice suddenly now?

Moreover, I have never heard other people in the Ming family talk about it. It seems that they are only in the master bedroom of Su Yao and Ming Shengru.

"Let's go." Ming Shengru urged over there.

Rong Yan turned around and went out with Ming Shengru.

Probably because it was going to S city this time, Ming Shengru brought a lot of people.

It looks like an assistant and a driver, but in fact they are bodyguards.

This time it was a private trip, not an official business, and there was Xiao Moli and the others there, so he naturally had some scruples in his heart.

After the group arrived at the airport, sharp-eyed reporters rushed up.

"Minister Ming, according to the information we have received, Master Mo has already taken a flight to City S in the morning. Excuse me, you are now taking Miss Ming to fly to City S. Are you going to meet Master Mo?"

"May I ask if you are going to visit Mr. Mo for the marriage of Miss Ming and Master Mo?"


Ming Shengru smiled and said, "Private itinerary, it is inconvenient to disclose. If there is good news, I will definitely share it with everyone as soon as possible."

Rong Yan smiled sarcastically. Even though he was accompanied by so many people, Ming Shengru obviously couldn't feel at ease.

If he didn't release the news in advance, how could these reporters block him here?