Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3389: The most beautiful bride

Ye Haoyu smiled and kissed her, "I am not interested in other women, I just want to see your bikini."

After speaking, he pushed the person back into the room directly, kicked the door up with his leg, and pulled off the clothes that were in the way, admiring the beauty that only he could see.


the other side.

Although Xiao Moli asked Tang Xiaoqin to take down all An Ziqi's videos on the Internet, many people have already seen it.

It is inevitable that another frenzy has been triggered on the Internet.

After An Ziqi woke up in the morning, she had already forgotten what she had done before.

After seeing the discussion on the Internet, I realized that I went to the stage to sing and dance.

Not only does the singing go out of tune, but the dancing is also uncoordinated, embarrassing and throwing into outer space.

The embarrassed person nearly dig a hole and bury himself, and ran back to Tang Qi directly, hiding Xiao Moli for several days.

Xiao Moli wanted to drag Jiayin out of the culprit and give him a violent beating.

Yun Yi and Rong Yan's marriage is scheduled for a month.

With the previous experience of An Ziqi being trapped, Xiao Moli absolutely forbid her to appear in the same place with Jiayin at the same time.

Yun Yi did almost everything about the wedding.

There are only two relatives, Shen Rong and Xiao Mango, on Yan Yan's side. Although Yun Yi doesn't need the dowry, An Ziqi still makes people ready for her.

Instead, she became the one with the most free time.

Yun Yi originally wanted to hold a romantic wedding for her in Rome, but she didn't want to go abroad, and Shen Rong's body hadn't fully recovered, so she couldn't stand the long journey, so she had to choose the location of the wedding on the seaside of City S.

In just one month, Yun Yi quickly built a fantastic hotel by the sea, specially hosting a wedding for the two.

Busy day and night, the wedding day soon arrived.

Shen Rong had been sent back by Xiao Chen using a connecting flight and sent directly to the hotel.

Little Mango stayed with her in the room.

Rongyan was wearing a holy wedding dress, sitting nervously in front of the dressing table, surrounded by a group of makeup artists and stylists.

"Where's the crown? Where's the crown on the head?"

"Here here."

"What's the matter? Why is a diamond knocked off here in the crown?"

"Quickly, let the jeweler come over and make up the diamond immediately."

"The jeweler can't get through on the phone, what should I do?"


A large group of people instantly panicked.

President Yun repeatedly emphasized that everything must be perfect. After a while, he discovered that they were missing a drill and they were dead.

"Forget it, then don't bring it." Rong Yan said directly.

She didn't like to bring jewelry at first, and it didn't make any difference to her whether to bring it or not.

Yun Yi would not marry her just because she didn't bring jewelry.

"No, President Yun will definitely kill us." The stylists behind were about to cry.

An Ziqi and Jiayin, Xia Xing and the others just opened the door and came in. After listening, Jiayin stepped forward, reached out and took the crown over, "Don't look for it, just leave it to me."

Dark Night started as a tomb robber. When she was a child, she was playful and buried many tombs without telling her father. The cultural relics repaired by her could not even be distinguished by experts. It was a trivial matter for her to make a drill.

The stylist all clapped around in an instant.

An Ziqi and Xia Xing came forward, smiling, raising their hands and poking the sides of her mouth upwards, poking a smile.

"Don't be nervous, you are already the most beautiful bride in the world."