Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3591: His domineering has exceeded her imagina

The medical staff transferred Long Xiaobao to the intensive care unit. Huang Ying wanted to follow in, but was stopped by the doctor.

"The patient's immune system is in serious condition and is extremely vulnerable to infection. It is better for family members to stay outside during the observation period."

Huang Ying lay on the small window at the door, watching Long Xiaobao's thin body inside the snow-white sheet, a large respirator on his small face, and several large infusion bottles hanging above his wrists. .

No matter what heart is like a knife, no heartache is enough to describe how she feels at the moment.

I only hate why the person lying in the ward at the moment is not her.

Long Xiaobei was short and couldn't see it, so he could only pull at the corner of her clothes and hugged her legs to comfort her silently.

In any case, Long Xiaobao was finally out of danger temporarily.

Gu Rui worried that Huang Ying and Long Xiaobei's body would not be able to bear it, and opened an accompanying ward for them next door.

Then I bought some food outside.

Long Xiaobei was too young in the end, and Long Xiaobao was finally out of danger for a while. After simply drinking a bowl of porridge, he couldn't hold it anymore and fell asleep.

Huang Ying held the porridge in her hand but couldn't eat it anyway.

Long Xiaobao was in a critical condition before, and she didn't have time to think about what was going on.

Now, returning to City S, looking at everything familiar to her, if she can't guess what is going on, then she is really stupid.

When I was in Country L before, everything I didn't want to understand was unraveled.

There is no one other than Chen Jun who has the ability to control the company to dismiss her, so that so many companies are not willing to accept her, and can send her back to the country.

Closed her eyes, she finally left from S City. She did not expect that Chen Jun would forcibly bring her back in this way.

His domineering has exceeded her imagination.

Thinking that Xiaobao almost died, she still has lingering fears.

I just want to smash the **** head of Chen Jun to see what he is thinking.

Guilt, fear and great powerlessness are intertwined.

Chen Jun, Chen Jun...

What should she do?

the other side.

After Chen Jun left the hospital, he walked straight into the pouring rain.

The cold rain poured on his head, face, and body. He didn't feel cold, but the whole body was cold and scary inside and out.

I kept playing back the scenes I saw in the hospital before.

It turned out that in the past years, in those times that he didn't know, they used to be so close together.

Just like she used to be with him, blooming under him, tactfully and happily.

Even gave birth to him!

In the previous years, he had thought countless times that after he found that little girl, he must have a baby with her.

Even if it is **** with a child, he has to tie her to his side.

Their children may have big round eyes like Orioles, and occasionally a sly smile flashes in the eyes.

It is better to be a daughter, he will definitely spoil them all as little princesses.

However, after so many years, he finally found her, but she had already given birth to other men.

He can ignore Gu Rui and **** Huang Ying from him.

But now they have children, they have children!

That child has her and Gu Rui's bones and blood...

Chen Jun only felt that his heart was instantly pierced by a thousand arrows, and it was painful and blocked.