Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3595: Toad wants to eat

Lang Feng was anxious, he just went to pay the bill, and when he came back, he saw that the boss was injured.

I don't know what happened.

But judging from the blood on the ground, the wound on the boss's hand is definitely not shallow.

"Boss, the injury on your hand must have damaged the blood vessels. You must find a doctor immediately. If you delay it, your hand will be useless."

Huang Ying heard this, her heart trembled instantly.

Chen Jun is the mayor, and he has a bright future in the future. If his hands are really lost, it will definitely affect his future.

Biting his lower lip hard, he couldn't take care of the others anymore, he immediately raised his leg to catch up with him, and reached out his hand to grab Chen Jun's wrist again.

"The injury on your hand must be dealt with immediately by a doctor."

Chen Jun pressed her thin lips tightly and tried to shake her hand away.

Huang Ying had already anticipated his reaction. She was holding her hand tightly, pulling him to the other side.

Chen Jun shook it twice, but couldn't shake it off, so he had to say coldly, "Let go."

"If you don't bandage the wound today, I won't let go." Huang Ying's temper came up and looked at him stubbornly.

Chen Jun's handsome face was extremely cold, "Miss Huang, it doesn't matter whether I bandage or not.

Why don't you let it go? In what capacity did you order me like this? "

His rhetorical question was like a sharp knife pierced straight from the chest to the bottom of Huang Ying's heart.

The internal organs are all painful.

Especially that Miss Huang.

He had called her name in various tones, angry, depressed, happy, emotional.

However, there has never been a time when it was as cold and unfamiliar as it is now.

Trying to suppress the tingling in his chest, gritted his teeth and said, "Mayor Chen was injured to save me, so naturally I can't just sit idly by."

The look on Chen Jun's face was even colder, and the temperature around him dropped several degrees.

"Serving the people is my duty. My life and death have nothing to do with you, so I don't need Miss Huang to worry about it."

After finishing speaking, he struggled hard with his hands a few times, then turned around and let Huang Ying hold his arm, dragging her downstairs together.

"Chen Jun."

Seeing that the blood on his hand kept falling down, there was no sign of stopping at all.

Obviously it really hurt the blood vessels.

Huang Ying was anxious and couldn't hold him, so she had to let go, and rushed to hug him by the waist.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Unless you beat me to death today, you will die from my body, otherwise, you have to bandage before you can leave."

Although the crowd onlookers did not dare to say anything to Chen Jun in front of him, some women had already begun to point at Huang Ying.

"This woman is really shameless. It's her honor that Mayor Chen saved her. She was also entangled in a brown candy."

"Yes, I think she just wants to take the opportunity to climb Mayor Chen.

Do not pee and take pictures of yourself. It is a daydream for her to want to go to Mayor Chen Gao. "

"I think it's a lazy toad who wants to eat swan meat."


The voice of disdain and contempt came over clearly. Obviously, after they saw Chen Jun's attitude just now, they were sure that he would not care about Huang Ying at all, so they dared to be so unscrupulous.

Huang Ying hugged Chen Jun's hand tightly. These words were scars buried deep in her heart, never scabs.

At this moment, their words are tantamount to sprinkling salt on the **** scar.

However, the hand holding Chen Jun is still firm.