Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3606: Father and son duel (4)

"That's how you play with those brats?"

He quickly reached out and pulled a bath towel from the side, and wrapped the little guy tightly.

An Ziqi looked at the swimsuit with sleeves that she had been forced to put on, and the corners of her lips twitched twice.

Xiao Moli's obsession with swimsuits has reached a heinous level.

Since she was with him, she hadn't worn a normal swimsuit once, she just wanted to wrap her into zongzi.

I don't know what era she came from.

Xiao Qian'ai looked at An Ziqi, then at herself, and said solemnly, "Daddy, don't worry, I am going to find my little brother Drumstick in the future."

Xiao Moli's face was even darker. Damn, he knew that the stinky kid used chicken legs to bribe his baby girl back then, and he was absolutely unkind.

He must have given Ecstasy to his daughter behind his back, and I still remember it so clearly after so many years.

I had known that he should have kicked him out of City S at the first glance when he saw the stinky guy from the Feng family.

"Your Drumstick brother already has a wife."

Xiao Qian'ai glanced at him like an idiot, "Daddy, are you a kid? He's only 9 years old this year, okay?"

An Ziqi on the side could not laugh at the words that Xiao Qianai despised.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Moli, you are despised by your daughter."

The corners of Xiao Moli's lips twitched fiercely, and that stinky boy in the Feng family was dead!

On the other side, City Hall.

After Chen Jun was hung up by Xiao Moli, he reluctantly found Xiao Yining.

This little guy is an absolute genius, in all aspects.

All the defenses of Long Yuan, Dark Night, and Yunxiao came from his hands.

Over the years, there have been many people who want to make their own ideas, and none of them have succeeded.

If his hacking level is called second, no one would dare to call first.

Xiao Yining had no objection to this.

It's the same everywhere for him anyway.

Even across the Atlantic Ocean, he also pulled people out of the Internet.

However, "Uncle Chen wants to promise me one condition."

Humph, his dad dumped the company to him in a frantic manner, not only took away his mommy, but also took away his sister.

When he comes back, he must give him a good surprise.

Chen Jun was naturally happy to see that Xiao Moli was trapped, and he agreed without hesitation.

After arranging everything here, Chen Jun helped repair the network firewall of the city hall.

Then I did some other preparatory work, and I was busy all afternoon, getting everything ready.

Just wait for that person to throw himself into the net tomorrow!

He wanted to see who this man was, dare to hit him!

After busying the whole afternoon, the sky outside has dimmed.

Through the window on the side wall, you can see the lights of thousands of families in the city in the distance.

Looking at the deserted office again, the look in his eyes darkened.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the phone on the table rang suddenly.

"Hello, is this the owner of No. 6 Yard of Yueting Mansion? There is a parcel of you in the security room. Please come and check it quickly."

His package?

Chen Jun twisted his eyebrows. All the formalities of his house in the villa area were handled by Langfeng.

Except for Xiao Moli and the others, no one knew where he lived.

In the past few years, he has rarely returned.

Who will send him a package?

Thinking of the person who hacked into the city hall system before, Chen Jun reached out and took the car key and turned and walked out.