Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3657

In the office.

Doctor Zhou saw Huang Ying coming again and was taken aback, "Miss Huang, you are..."

At this time, shouldn't she be with Xiaobao in the ward?

Huang Ying stretched out his hand and took out the previously matched list from his pocket, and directly handed it to him.

"I found a liver and heart that match Xiaobao."

Doctor Zhou was stunned. In such a short time, where did she go to find a matching liver organ.

Busily taking over the list in her hand, all the inspection data are indeed in full compliance.

But how is this possible?

Just about to ask her, his eyes suddenly saw the donor relationship above, mother and son.

Her body shook suddenly, and she looked up at her, "Miss Huang, are you planning to donate your liver and heart to Xiaobao?"

"Yes." Huang Ying replied firmly.

Doctor Zhou was taken aback, and hurriedly stuffed her with the slip in his hand, "Miss Huang, I am also a father, and I can understand your eagerness to save your son.

However, please be rational.

You should know that everyone has only one liver and heart.

If you donate to Xiaobao, you will die.

Let alone living donor transplantation, neither morally nor legally is allowed.

Even if allowed, Xiaobao's body couldn't bear it, and the possibility of the operation being successful was extremely low.

Between the healthy you and the dying, we cannot choose him.

In any case, I will not promise you.

You'd better go back and accompany Xiaobao more as soon as possible. "

"Doctor Zhou, since you can understand my feelings, you should also be able to understand my actions now.

I am a mother and I can't help but watch my son die.

He is still young, there are too many things in this world that he hasn't seen yet, too much happiness he hasn't experienced yet.

If there is only one living between me and him, I hope he can live well. "

Huang Ying spoke calmly.

Doctor Zhou shook his head vigorously, "Miss Huang, I'm sorry, I am a doctor, and I have not deprived any patient of the right to life.

I can't promise you this kind of request. Go back quickly. "

Huang Ying stood there and didn't move, but just looked at him and said, "Can you accept a transplant for Xiaobao as long as you are not alive?"

Doctor Zhou was panicked and got up busy, "What do you want to do? Miss Huang, I know that Xiaobao feels so distressed and sad for you, but you must be rational, don't..."

Before he could finish speaking, Huang Ying had already taken a few steps back quickly, to a place he couldn't reach.

The hand on the side suddenly lifted, and a bright scalpel was held in her hand, and she was pointed directly at the artery of her neck.

"Doctor Zhou, I have already written the last words, which are in the memo on my mobile phone.

I will tell everyone that my choice has nothing to do with you and does not require you to take any responsibility.

I just hope that you can fulfill my wish, transplant my liver and heart to Xiaobao, and rescue him. "

The sharp scalpel in her hand was pointed at her neck, and the blade had already drawn traces of blood. Doctor Zhou didn't dare to act rashly, so she had to try to persuade her.

"Miss Huang, you are calm, we can think of other ways to save Xiaobao, because my medical skills are not enough, I will help you contact my mentor, maybe he has other ways..."

Huang Ying didn't give him any more chance, her hand slid down severely, and blood spewed out instantly.

(I didn’t get stuck here on purpose. Thank you for your vote. I’m still working hard. There will be an update tonight. There will be two chapters in a while. I can definitely write that Mayor Chen knows the truth. Don’t worry. Huh~)