Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3683: Cut off his thoughts

Old Chen raised his eyes, "Miss Huang, I hope you can do what you say."

Huang Ying bit her lip and said with difficulty, "Chen, don't worry, I will."

Old Chen nodded and stood up directly, "You keep the check and contact information in case you need it.

If you go abroad in the future, your mother and son will also need it abroad. "

Huang Ying's face was instantly pale, and the hand beside her tightly tightened.

She knew that Mr. Chen was suggesting that she wanted her to leave.

Only in this way can Chen Jun's thoughts be broken, and she and Chen Jun can be completely broken.

Just like before, once you leave the country, everything will no longer be in charge of her.

They will disappear in each other's world forever.

If she doesn't accept this check, then what they have expressed in their eyes is to go against Chen Lao's meaning.

To go back and forth, unwilling to give up Chen Jun.

Whether she wants to pick it up or not, she doesn't have the right to choose.

Old Chen turned his head to look at her, with a strong sense of oppression in his eyes.

Huang Ying took a breath, "I see, thank you, Mr. Chen."

Mr. Chen nodded slightly, "Then I won't stay here for more. The Board of Directors will leave you with your contact information.

If Ms. Huang needs any help in the future, she can contact Xiao Dong, and he will do everything for you. "

With that, the man in black who had been following Mr. Chen, reached out from his jacket pocket and took out a business card and handed it to her.

"Ms. Huang, I am Xiao Dong. This is my contact method. Feel free to contact me if you need it."

Huang Ying got up and barely reached out to take it, "Thank you."

Lifting his leg, took a stiff step to send Mr. Chen downstairs.

Watching his car drift away and disappear into the rain.

The heavy rain was still pouring, Huang Ying stood at the entrance of the corridor blankly. The raindrops fell and hit the standing water beside her feet, splashing cold water on her feet and calves.

It wasn't until a passing neighbor greeted her that she came back to her senses.

From the ankle to the calf, the trousers on her body were all soaked and stuck to her.

Sisi's coldness seemed to be cold into her bones.

Huang Ying reluctantly smiled and greeted people busy, and turned upstairs.

Back in the house, I saw a piece of broken glass in the living room.

Stepped forward, bent down and squatted down, reaching out to pick up the glass shards.

Picking up a few pieces and accidentally slipping her hand, the sharp glass shards fell directly, making a long cut in her hand.

Pain came, and the red blood dropped little by little along the fingers on the pile of broken glass.

However, Huang Ying seemed to feel no pain at all, still picking up the glass shards on the ground, letting the blood fall from his hands.

The sticky blood entangled on the fingertips, she just picked up the fragments, and then slipped off again.

Time and time again, no matter how she picked it up, she couldn't pick it up.

The tears did not know when they slipped from the eyes, they fell to the ground, and fell into the blood on the ground.

Tears and blood spread on the ground.

Looking at the wet coat on the sofa, the words that Mr. Chen said just now kept echoing in her ears.

She didn't know how to describe the complicated feelings in her heart at the moment.

Sad, wronged, at a loss, it seems to be, and it doesn't seem to be.

Are you complaining? Hate it?

Perhaps, she should resent, resenting Old Chen for forcibly breaking them up.

Resent him for spreading everything out in front of her, letting her choose.