Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3686: Love again

Huang Ying thought of something, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to hold him.

"What's the matter?" Gu Rui turned his head and looked at her puzzled.

"Brother Gu Rui, I want to beg you for one thing."

Huang Ying bit her lower lip and looked at him.

Gu Rui said directly, "What's the matter? You said."

"What you saw today, no matter what, I beg you, don't tell Chen Jun.

Don't go to him, don't say anything, I beg you. "

Huang Ying's big, bright eyes were full of pleading at this moment.

Looking at her like this, Gu Rui felt helpless and distressed.

This silly girl almost died of dystocia, suffered so much and suffered so much wronged.

However, even now, she has never thought about herself at all.

"Then have you ever thought about you and Xiaobao, what will Xiaobei do in the future?"

Huang Ying smiled reluctantly, "I used to work to feed them, and I can do the same in the future.

Moreover, Xiaobao's illness has been saved.

Even if there is something to spend money on, isn’t there still that check? "

Gu Rui opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

"Brother Gu Rui, I only beg of you..."

Huang Ying looked at him pleadingly.

Gu Rui sighed helplessly, "I see."

Huang Ying was relieved and sat at home all afternoon.

She thought she would be thinking wildly, but all afternoon, her head was blank and she didn't think about anything.

The two little guys actually made a video call and came back to check the Gang. Looking at the cute faces of the two little guys, Huang Ying's heart was finally relieved.

Hung up the phone and looked up at everything around him.

It has been only two months since they returned to China.

In a blink of an eye, he may have to leave again.

Last time, since Chen Lao could send her away silently, he still hid for so many years and was not found by Chen Jun.

She probably won't have to worry about it this time.

However, thinking of Chen Jun, pain uncontrollably spread in his heart.

I am sorry……

She stayed up all night, and early the next morning, Huang Ying cooked a few foods that Xiaobao and Xiaobei loved.

The food was packed, and as soon as I arrived downstairs, I met Gu Rui and drove back to pick her up.

Looking at his gentle smiling face, Huang Ying sighed in her heart. In front of her, he was always so careful, but wanted nothing.

Driving all the way to the hospital, Gu Rui stopped the car on the side of the road.

"You go to the hospital first, and Beckham said he wants to eat candied haws, I'll buy it for him."

Huang Ying was helpless. This little guy had never seen candied haws in foreign countries before. Maybe he watched some strange cartoons yesterday, and he was clamoring to eat this thing today.

"He is a boy, don't spoil him too much."

Gu Rui smiled, "He is still young."

Huang Ying muttered, "He is four years old, and he will spoil him again."

Xiaobei is a standard type that gives a little sunshine to it, and the more you love it, the more it will turn the sky!

Gu Rui smiled and shook his head, but said nothing.

Huang Ying got out of the car, waved to Gu Rui, then turned and walked towards the hospital.

In order to make a turn, Gu Rui's car was parked on the side of the road less than fifty meters away from the hospital.

Huang Ying can enter the hospital only a few steps away.

However, Gu Rui smiled softly and watched Huang Ying walk away for a certain distance. He had just fallen down the window, and before he could drive, he heard a sudden sound of tires rubbing the ground from outside the car.

Subconsciously raised his head and looked out of the car.