Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3826: The Return of Little Li (10)

An Ziqi looked at her and smiled, "It hurts to kick."

After finishing speaking, before Liu Siting could react, she lifted her foot and kicked directly to the acupuncture point on her knee.

Before Liu Siting had time to scream, she softened on her painful leg and knelt to the ground with a puff.

An Ziqi bends down slightly, looks at her and said, "It is wrong to curse, since you are begging for forgiveness with such a big courtesy, then I will forgive you reluctantly."

Liu Siting's painful eyes turned black from time to time, struggling to stand up.

He just supported his body, before he could stand up, he couldn't stand the pain, and fell to the ground again.

"An Ziqi, what do you think you and Xiao Moli are in the capital, you dare to treat me like this.


Before she could finish her cursing, An Ziqi backhanded her backhand and hit her mouth.


Liu Siting screamed, her mouth swelled up instantly, but because of the face in front of so many people, her mouth still refused to admit defeat.

"Wait, I will make you kneel before me and beg me..."


An Ziqi took the clothes support, and turned her backhand to her mouth again.

"For people like you, I like to bully others. I apologize."

That attitude, that posture, clearly arrogant and terrible, if it is placed on others, it will definitely make people disgusting, but An Ziqi's behavior is not at all disgusting.

On the contrary, everyone around her felt very happy and felt that she had a different kind of charm.

It turns out that the goddess who has always been gentle and watery will have such a neat and powerful side.

She couldn't help feeling in her heart, she deserved to be the woman Li Shao was fond of, and she was so handsome even to teach others.

Of course, Liu Siting's high hatred value is also one of the reasons.

Liu Siting is used to being arrogant and domineering, she has always bullied others, and no one else bullies her.

Today, after suffering such a loss under An Ziqi, and being watched by so many people, there is no way on her face.

The mocking glances of the spectators around made her even more unbearable.

Enduring the pain, "Don't think about it."

An Ziqi raised her eyebrows, threw the clothes support in her hand, bent down slightly, and pointed her finger at a certain position on top of her head.

"There is an acupuncture point here called Touwei Point. If I press it down, you will die.

Now, give you a chance, should you consider apologizing? "

Xiao Chen is a genius doctor. She has been in Xiao's house for a long time, and she has learned a little bit.

According to Xiao Chen, pressing this touwei point will cause unbearable pain.

In ancient times, this used to be a trick for many prisons to extract a confession. No one could bear this kind of pain for more than a minute.

"If you have the ability, kill me, my father will not let it go..."

Liu Siting still yelled unrepentantly, stood up abruptly, and raised his hand to grab An Ziqi's face.

An Ziqi's eyes were quick and she slapped her hands away. At the same time, her other hand directly pressed the Touwei point on Liu Siting's head.

The pain quickly exploded in her body like a bomb, rushing to every cell, and she couldn't even tell where the pain was.

Liu Siting's body immediately slumped in pain, and screamed sorrowfully, all tears and nose welled up.


An Ziqi looked at her and said.

Liu Siting was born with a noble birth. She has not suffered any pain since she was born, so she can bear it at this moment.