Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3899

Xiao Chen put the pendant on An Ziqi's neck, then looked at her and said, "Are you ready?"

An Ziqi shook her hand firmly, took a slight breath, and nodded, "Yeah."

Xiao Chen explained, "The soul of a person is out of the body, and after entering the underworld, it will pass thirteen stations.

They are Didi Temple, Huangquan Road, Wangxiang Terrace, Egouling, Jinji Mountain, Wild Ghost Village, Ecstasy Hall, Fengdu City, Eighteen-Story Hell, Buddhist Pavilion, Ghost World Fort, Lotus Terrace and Resurrection Cliff.

We usually say that the Ten Temple Yama is in the capital city.

According to Xiao Ai's current situation, she should still be on Huangquan Road.

The souls of the dead will not be ghosts unless they enter the capital city. There are rumors among the people that after death, if people want to buy their souls to grab their lives, they will all be on this yellow spring road.

Because I haven't entered the capital city yet, everything has a chance to change.

At this time, there are only ghost chauffeurs on Huangquan Road. If we are lucky enough to rush in time, we can directly spend money to buy souls from ghost chauffeurs on Huangquan Road and bring people back. "

This is also one of the reasons why he will eventually agree to take An Ziqi into the underworld to **** people.

If the rush is timely enough, people can be brought back without too much effort, and there is not much danger.

"What to buy?" An Ziqi asked nervously.

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly, "You don't have to worry about this, as long as you stay with me and don't leave a step."

An Ziqi thought for a while, bit her lip to look at him, "Then what if... if we are not so lucky, is Xiao Ai no longer on Huangquan Road?"

Xiao Chen shrugged, "Then there is no way. There are still so many stations after Huangquan Road.

When that time comes, it's also time for you to play.

For Xiao Ai, the longer she spends in the netherworld, the more confused her consciousness.

And your connection with her flesh and blood, and the connection with your soul is the beacon that recalls her consciousness and guides her home. "

"En." An Ziqi's palms were a little sweaty.

Seeing her nervousness, Xiao Chen raised his hand and squeezed her shoulders to relax her.

"I can't get your soul out of the body. This is not the day when the ghost gate opens. Under normal circumstances, strangers cannot enter the underworld.

The jade pendant will conceal the breath of human beings in you, so that the ghosts cannot see you.

We can only stay below for seven days at most, and you will not be able to go back for too long.

Do remember to stay by my side, it is best not to leave a step. "

An Ziqi took a deep breath and nodded.

After Xiao Chen explained and exhorted, he turned and looked at the star formation under the stone platform again.

Raising his leg forward, after walking a few formations back and forth in the middle of the star array.


There was no sound, but the ground in the cave hall shook violently.

Above the cave directly above the stone platform, there was originally a small crystal hole, and the stars in the night sky happened to fall below through the crystal hole.

She still remembers that when she brought Momo and Ye Haoyu back from Tianlan, it was the stars in the night sky that started the star formation.

At this moment, through the crystal hole above the head, it can be seen that the night sky that was originally shining with stars has suddenly changed to pitch black.

A faint black mist began to appear on the star array on the ground.

There was a cold breeze blowing from the mist, and even the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees in an instant.