Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3969: It's her (2)

Huang Ying was startled by the sudden sound, and his body took two steps back subconsciously.

The sound of "dongdongdong" in that compartment began to sound continuously, as if something was trapped in the compartment, crashing everywhere.

Huang Ying steadied her mind, and the hand on her side shook and squeezed.

He rushed forward and pushed open the banging door in front of him.

However, to her surprise, as the compartment door opened.

There is still no one inside.

Huang Ying has been courageous since she was a child. She has never believed in ghosts and gods.

When I was young, the boys in the class gathered together to tell ghost stories, and the other girls were scared and screamed.

Only Huang Ying was indifferent, and in turn beat the boy who told ghost stories.

He is not allowed to tell scary ghost stories in the future.

It is precisely because of this that she did not think about it the first time the bathroom door was closed and the light was extinguished.

But take it for granted that someone must be making a ghost.

But looking at the compartment in front of her, she almost began to doubt her beliefs.

"Boom, dong, bang," the sound of crashing around, because after she opened the door for a while, she quickly started to ring in the other compartment beside her.

Huang Ying gritted his teeth and boldly pushed aside several compartments in the bathroom one by one, but found nothing.

But the sound of dong dong dong did not stop.

Huang Ying didn't know what was going on in front of her, the only explanation seemed to be the ghosts and gods.

The head is turning quickly, whether it is man-made or a real ghost, it is better to leave here first.

Due to the design of the restaurant, the bathroom is remotely located.

Even if she yelled here, no one would be able to hear her.

The door has been locked, and the only way to get out from here is to jump out of the open window.

But here is the sixth floor, it is obviously unrealistic to want to jump from the window.

After thinking about it, he turned and walked quickly towards the bathroom door.

A black shadow suddenly flashed in front of her eyes, and Huang Ying immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of the black shadow.

I saw a slender figure standing in front of the door of that row of compartments, wearing a skirt.

At this moment, her head was slightly lowered, and her long hair hung on the side of her face, covering most of her cheeks.

The inside of the bathroom was originally dark, so I couldn't see anything at all.

Huang Ying gritted her teeth hard and asked, "Who are you?"

"Huang Ying, I died terribly!"

The black shadow looked up at Huang Ying and said quietly.

Just in time, the breeze outside the window blew a corner of the curtain, and the moonlight outside the window spilled in along the window.

With this fleeting moonlight, Huang Ying clearly saw that the figure was wearing a long red dress, which seemed to be stained red with blood.

His pale face and hands were full of blood.

Only a pair of dark eyes were left, and he looked at her bitterly.

Even though that face was stained with blood, it was horribly ruined, but Huang Ying could still tell it.

That is Huang Ling's face!

If Huang Ling is the only demon in Huang Ying's heart, it is Huang Ling.

She died terribly.

Huang Ying flashed past her eyes almost immediately. When she was in City S before, Huang Ling was hit by a bullet.

The "bang-bang-bang" gunfire and Huang Ling's screaming screams still seemed to echo in my ears.

With a tight heart, he took two steps back subconsciously.