Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3982

Only then did Huang Ying know that there were other people in the office, and put on a business-like expression and walked in.

I looked up and saw that at Chen Jun's desk, was sitting a middle-aged man in his fifties.

Wearing a suit, the big beer belly is more prominent because of the sitting posture.

The middle of the head is a large piece, covered with sparse strands of hair.

Compared with Chen Jun, who was sitting opposite him, handsome, handsome, and of standard figure, it was almost heaven and earth.

No wonder Chen Jun has so many fans, Xiao Mimei.

Among a group of beer belly, in the middle of the Mediterranean, Chen Jun is definitely a young and promising, promising, outstanding team.

Stepped forward, nodded slightly to the two, and greeted them politely.

"Good Minister Chen, good Minister Feng."

Chen Jun glanced at her, "Where is Secretary Zhou?"

Huang Ying was speechless, she was already here, and he was looking for Secretary Zhou.

Are you so angry?

Although I really want to settle accounts with this guy, since there are other people here, I have to reply.

"Secretary Zhou is working, and everyone else in the office is busy. There is no way to go upstairs.

If you have anything to Minister Chen, I will do it well, despite the instructions. "

Next to him, Minister Feng smiled, "Minister Chen, this little girl in your secretarial department is very interesting.

You should also give others more opportunities. "

Chen Jun pursed his lips, raised his hand and took the file on the desk in front of him and handed it to her.

"Send this to the State Council and hand it over to Premier Bai himself."

Huang Ying stretched out his hand to take it, and looked down and saw Chen Jun's fingertips whitening while holding the file.

I couldn't help being a little speechless, really angry.

I took a peek at him, but saw that the look on his face was nothing unusual.

Turning sideways slightly, blocking the distance between her and Chen Jun.

The moment he received the file, his finger lightly touched Chen Jun's fingertip.

When Chen Jun looked over, she winked at him playfully.

Chen Jun leaned back on the chair, crossing his hands, rubbing the fingertips that Huang Ying had just touched, but did not speak.

Huang Ying looked at his rubbing fingertips, a flash of smile flashed in his eyes.

We greeted Chen Jun and the Minister Feng, and then left directly.

Lang Feng escorted her to the door and exhorted, "The arrangements have been made downstairs. Someone will send you there. Be careful on the way."

"Know, rest assured, I am not a child, and I will send the documents intact."

Huang Ying smiled and replied in a low voice, winked at him playfully, turned and ran to the elevator.

The elevator door opened, and after running in, he did not forget to turn his head and waved to Lang Feng with a smile.

I took a look at the file bag in my hand. Unlike ordinary files, the file bag is sealed.

Obviously what an important document.

Huang Ying put out her tongue. Speaking of it, after she arrived here, probably because of Lang Feng, Sister Shen had always arranged for her very easy and simple work.

This was the first important job she received, and she couldn't shame Chen Jun.

Put the paper bag away carefully, and when she got out of the building, someone took her directly into the car.

Along the way, Huang Ying has been firmly holding the file bag in his hand, for fear of accidentally losing it in a mistake.

Fortunately, the distance from the National Defense Building to the State Council is not far.

After half an hour, the car had successfully stopped outside the State Council.

(The writing is more subtle, do the babies get important information? At the beginning of the month, at the beginning of the month, I want to sell cute tickets~)