Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4111: Inexplicably familiar

He said that he would never abandon him again, leave him, why not believe him?

Why abandon him again?

the other side.

After Huang Ying stayed in the hospital for another day, she didn't know what was happening outside. Dr. Meng said that it was okay. She was always in the hospital.

This is a military hospital. It will be discovered one day after a long time.

He opened a small flower shop in Beijing, and Gu Hai was in the flower shop when he was fine.

He was inconvenient because he couldn't speak, and now Huang Ying went with him, just right.

Huang Ying bit her lower lip, "But, am I really okay when I go out now? Will it not be discovered by Chen Jun and Old Chen?"

"Don't worry, most of the people in the capital have been evacuated. The most dangerous place is the safest place.

It is safer for you to stay in the capital. Gu Hai and you are taking care of each other, so I can rest assured here.

After I am sure that all the people searching for Minister Chen have been evacuated, if you want to go somewhere else, you can tell me.

At that time, I will personally see you there. "Doctor Meng replied.

Huang Ying pinched the corners of her clothes tightly in her hands and rubbed them, nodding after a moment, "Okay."

Gu Hai, as always, stayed quietly not far away, making no sound from beginning to end.

Only after Huang Ying nodded and said, not far away, Xixisuosuo's voice sounded almost immediately.

He should be packing things in the ward.

Huang Ying also fumbled and got up, wanting to come forward to help.

Over there, the sound of footsteps approached quickly, and a pair of big hands gently pressed her shoulders and pushed her back to the chair.

Gently squeezed her hand on her shoulder, indicating that it was okay, he could do it alone.

Huang Ying smiled, and didn't argue with him again.

Although the time spent together was not long, it was enough for her to understand that Gu Hai really took care of her in every possible way.

Where he is, she almost never lets her do anything.

There were not many things in the ward. After a few minutes, Gu Hai had already packed everything up.

Beijing is now in severe winter.

Gu Hai took a thick coat, hat, and scarf and wrapped her tightly, covering her eyes, mouth and nose.

Huang Ying imagined what she looked like at the moment. If she could see it, maybe she was like a fat penguin now?

He smiled helplessly, raised his hand, and forcefully rescued his nose and mouth from the scarf.

Then, under the **** of Doctor Meng and Gu Hai, they left the ward and went downstairs together.

The winter in Beijing was dry and cold. Just when she walked out of the ward building, the cold wind slashed like a knife on her face.

Huang Ying unexpectedly took a cold breath and coughed violently.

A big hand stretched out immediately next to him, and re-fixed the scarf she had torn apart.

Perhaps it was because of being too close. Huang Ying inexplicably smelled the smell of Gu Hai's hands, which seemed to be familiar.

But for a while, I couldn't remember where I was familiar.

Before she could smell it carefully, a cold wind blew directly on her face again, also blowing away the last remaining smell in the air.

Huang Ying was quickly helped into the car, and a warm cup of hot cocoa was delivered to her.

The smell of sweetness is diffused in the car, and even people's mood seems to become sweet.

Huang Ying smiled and hugged the cup in her hand, bowed her head and took a sip.