Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4136: the best choice

Even at this moment, there is still no trace of fear on his face.

Chen Jun calmly asked, "Do you know what's under you?"

Dr. Meng glanced down at the chair under him, nodded, and said calmly, "I know, there is a legendary electric chair for the Ministry of National Defense that can strip people."

The so-called electric chair means that the entire chair is energized, and it is usually used for torture of intermediaries, spies, traitors, etc.

If it is just an ordinary electric chair, it will not be so famous. The electric chair of the Ministry of National Defense has been specially modified.

The current on the chair is just at the extreme edge of the human body. After the power is turned on, people are hovering on the edge of life and death.

I can’t survive, I can’t die!

Now that he knew what situation he was facing, Chen Jun stopped talking, and said directly, "Where is Huang Ying?"

Doctor Meng looked up at him, "Minister Chen, no matter what decision you make, I just want to tell you.

Miss Huang leaving is the best choice for you or for others. "

When Chen Jun heard this, he thought of his grandfather's obstacles to them in every possible way, of the years he had missed with Huang Ying, and of Huang Ying's eyes.

A pair of eyes instantly turned red, and he shouted angrily, "The best choice?

Every one of you said it was for my good, but has anyone asked me?

Has anyone thought about what I want? What do I want to choose? "

Doctor Meng pursed his lips. Before he became a doctor, he was also a soldier, and his primary responsibility was to protect the country.

He actually felt guilty for Huang Ying, but this guilt couldn't match the value of Chen Jun and Chen Lao to the country in his heart, so he insisted on making this decision.

Seeing Chen Jun's reaction, knowing that it would be useless to say more, so he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

In fact, aside from this, he really doesn't know where Gu Rui and Huang Ying are now.

After Gu Rui called him this morning, he had already written out the phone number directly.

They agreed that after Gu Rui and Huang Ying have settled in a new place, Gu Rui will do everything and then contact him to tell him the specific location.

The phone on his body had already been taken away by Lang Feng, and he could only pray silently in his heart now.

After Gu Rui has settled down, don't call him.

Otherwise, at Minister Chen's speed, he won't even need it tomorrow.

It will be possible to find out where the two of them are in a few hours.

At that time, all his previous efforts were wasted.

the other side.

In a small villa in a small town near the capital, Huang Ying closed her eyes and sat on the sofa in the living room with her ears sideways.

The room was warm and mellow, and you could smell the fresh scent of lilies.

The sound of footsteps is constantly moving on the right, where it should be the direction of the kitchen.

Gu Rui came out from the kitchen with a glass of milk in his hand and saw the quiet and well-behaved Huang Ying on the sofa. He couldn't help but smiled, and stepped forward and passed the milk into her hand.

"The move is too hurried. For the time being, I can only wrong you to live here first. I have already found a flower shop and it is not too far away.

It only takes ten minutes to walk. You can drink some milk to cushion your stomach, and dinner will be ready soon.

I'll take you to the flower shop tomorrow morning. "

Huang Ying held the warm milk cup in his hand and nodded with a smile, "Not wronged."

She couldn't see anything anyway, it didn't matter where she lived.

(Baby don’t worry, our minister will find his wife soon, good night, huh~)