Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4237

He took the breakfast and walked lightly to the bedroom.

When I walked into the room, I saw that Huang Ying was still sitting in front of the window. Obviously, just like him last night, she didn't sleep all night.

Fortunately, she barely ate some of the dinner he brought over last night.

Chen Jun was finally relieved, at least she listened to what he said last night.

Even if it is only for Xiaobao and Xiaobei, not for him, as long as she is willing to cherish herself, it is enough.

Put down the breakfast, cleaned up the things on the table, and put the breakfast in front of her.

Just about to speak, the phone in his pocket rang.

Chen Jun raised his eyebrows slightly, not to mention that this time in China is still in the New Year. Everyone in the country has already known about his new marriage. If there were no major events, no one would call him without looking too long at this time.

He arranged the tableware carefully, and then quickly went out and brought the door to the room.

Su Ran turned out to be on the phone, but after hearing Su Ran's words on the phone, Chen Jun's face was instantly hard to look.

After hanging up the phone, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the bedroom. After explaining to the servant to take care of Huang Ying, he hurried out.

In the bedroom, Huang Ying looked at the hot breakfast in front of her, thinking about Chen Jun's cautious appearance from last night until now, her heart felt even more uncomfortable.

She is obviously the most useless. She is obviously the one who is injuring everyone. She is the one who should die. She is not worthy of their treatment.

These thoughts are like countless heavy mountains, weighing heavily on her heart, and she can hardly breathe. It was as if a dying fish was thrown ashore, trying to suffocate because of lack of water.

Huang Ying got up and opened the door and walked out quickly. The servant in the yard was ordered by Chen Jun to look at her. At the moment, seeing her come out, he hurriedly stepped forward, "Madam, where do you want to go?"

Huang Ying couldn't hear anything at all at this moment, and she stepped quickly.

The servant didn't dare to stop her forcibly, so he had to follow her until the door, seeing the car parked there, Huang Ying subconsciously got into the car, started the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove out.

In the yard, the servant was almost scared to death. If something happens to the wife, Minister Chen will definitely kill her.

Busy trembling ran to the front yard to find the housekeeper.

the other side.

Huang Ying doesn't know where she wants to go, she just feels that her suffocation is about to explode, and she wants to go out to get some air.

When she stopped the car, she discovered that she unknowingly drove the car to the door of the small flower shop.

Through the glass doors and windows, you can see that there are still various flowers and plants in the flower shop.

Some of the ready-made bouquets on the table have withered, and the ones in the flowerpots, although no one takes care of them, are still in full bloom.

This time in China is still during the Chinese New Year, the location here is remote, there are usually few people on weekdays, and there are almost no people at this time.

The street was deserted, and none of the shops next to it opened.

Huang Ying stood in front of the door, watching everything in the flower shop.

When she was here before, she couldn't see her eyes, she could only rely on touching with her hands to remember the decorations and patterns in the flower shop.

This is the first time she has seen this flower shop with her own eyes.

Although the store is small, the various decorations inside are warm and delicate.