Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4240

One of these two people didn't want to say it, the other didn't, and then it caused the current situation.

Lang Feng looked at the flower shop silently and followed Minister Chen behind Huang Ying, who was helplessly tidying up things. His head hurts even more.

Over there, Chen Jun squatted on the ground after finishing a flower pot, got up, but suddenly turned black in front of him, and hurriedly stabilized his body.

Just standing firm, before he had time to come over, Huang Ying, who was not far away, just got up and turned around. An accidental, "boom" hit him just in the chest.

Chen Jun frowned slightly, and he couldn't help but groan, but he couldn't take care of the others. He immediately reached out to support the shaky Huang Ying who was hit and almost fell backward.

Settling down, he asked anxiously, "How are you? Did you bump into you? Does your head hurt?"

Huang Ying shook her head, "I'm fine."

I don't know if it was her illusion, she seemed to hear Chen Jun snorted just now.

He looked up at Chen Jun, "Why are you..."

Before she could finish her question, the phone in Chen Jun's pocket rang.

Seeing him reach out and take out the phone, he just hangs up without even looking at it, Huang Ying hurriedly reached out to stop him.

Although she doesn't know what happened recently, it must be something important to be able to call Chen Jun's phone at this time.

"I'm fine, you answer the phone first."

Chen Jun twisted his eyebrows to look at her, and asked again with some worry, "Are you really okay?"

Seeing Huang Ying nodding, Chen Jun answered the phone.

I don't know what was said over the phone, Chen Jun's face was very ugly, "I know, I'll go back right away."

Hung up the phone, turned to look at Huang Ying, "There is something going on at the Ministry of National Defense. I need to rush back right away..."

Huang Ying nodded, lowered his eyes slightly and said, "It's okay, you go back quickly."

After a short pause, he bit his lip and continued, "Chen Jun, I just want to be here alone, you don't have to come back to accompany me."

Chen Jun has been very hard lately. She had already hurt him a lot, so how could he hurt him to delay national affairs for her, running so hard.

Something flashed across Chen Jun's deep eyes, and the urging phone in his hand rang again.

"Understood, you take care of yourself, I will let Langfeng take someone to guard outside, and if you have any needs, just go to him directly."

After instructing Huang Ying, he went outside to instruct Lang Feng, and then drove away in a hurry.

In the next two days, Chen Jun never appeared in front of Huang Ying again.

The Ministry of National Defense was already busy, and Huang Ying didn't think much about it.

Lang Feng looked at Huang Ying in the store and sighed.

The boss of his family is really low in EQ. He doesn't listen to what should be listened to, and he implements it very thoroughly if he should not.

Huang Ying said that she wanted to be alone, so he really let her be here alone.

If you really want to count on the boss to coax his wife, I don't know when to wait.

Stepped forward, walked to Huang Ying's side, thought for a while, and while helping to organize her things, he said, "Are you always blaming the boss in your heart for not saving Hui Rui?"

Huang Ying paused when she was wiping things with a rag. Just when she knew that Gu Rui was dead, she did have such a moment in her heart, and blamed Chen Jun for not looking back at Rui.

But it was only for a moment, and it was more of her guilt and self-blame for herself.