Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4241

"I just think that if I didn't selfishly tell Chen Jun after receiving the call from Zayima, but according to what that person said, go to him alone, maybe Gu Rui would not die.

Blame me, I am too selfish..."

"not like this."

Lang Feng interrupted her eagerly, only then did she know the crux of the problem between the boss and Huang Ying.

The boss always thought that Huang Ying was blaming him, and was afraid that Huang Ying would be sad, so he concealed Gu Rui's situation at the time.

After hesitating, he gritted his teeth and said, "It was very complicated at the time, and the address Zaima gave you was fake.

His purpose was to lead you over, and then use you to threaten the boss.

If you really didn't tell the boss at the time, but rushed there alone, the situation will only get worse.

Zayima didn't plan to let Gu Rui go.

After discussing the plan with the boss of the dark night, the boss used himself as a bait and went to the fake address in person, pretending to fall into a trap, and then we had the opportunity to follow the clues he left to save people.

In fact, when we found Gu Rui, he had already..."

Lang Feng watched Huang Ying pause, still gritted his teeth and continued, "When we found him, he was already dead.

Moreover, according to the examination of the accompanying doctor, his death time was at least 72 hours.

In other words, Gu Rui was already dead when you received Zayma's call.

Everything he said on the phone was just a lie to you.

Fortunately, you told the boss, no one rushed over..."

This is why the boss quickly cremated people after returning to the hotel with Gu Rui's body.

Huang Ying may be too sad at first to find the abnormal time of Gu Rui's death.

However, the time of death cannot be concealed. As long as she recovers, she will definitely find that Gu Rui died long before she received the call. Then Huang Ying will only feel more guilty and feel that it is her. Killed Gu Rui.

Instead of making her miserable and blaming herself, it is better to make her think that he did not rescue Gu Rui, and let Huang Ying blame him for all the responsibility.

For this reason, Chen Juncai did not explain the truth of Gu Rui's death.

Huang Ying shook her body on the spot, and Lang Feng on the side hurriedly reached out to support her. Huang Ying stood still on the spot, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but there was no sound in her throat.

The look of sadness and pain makes Lang Feng feel terribly uncomfortable in his heart.

After a long time, Huang Ying finally recovered her voice and said in disbelief, " mean that when I saw Brother Gu Rui on the video call, he was already dead?"

Although Lang Feng didn't want to see her suffering, but because of the feelings between her and the boss, he nodded.


Huang Ying closed her eyes, and the tears in her eyes fell instantly.

"The boss really loves you. He is afraid that you will blame yourself when you know it, so he would rather you misunderstand him than tell you.

Five years ago, when you disappeared, the boss went crazy looking for you every day.

Staying up all night and all night, I have been by his side since I was a teenager, and I have never seen him look so painful and lost.

Including this time, he went to save Gu Rui for you, using himself as a bait, and he was seriously injured. "