Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4270: Demystifying An Ziqi

Both Xiao Moli and Yun Yi rushed back.

One is eager to go back to find someone, and the other is to discuss with Xiao Chen about crossing the plane.

Chen Jun is the best and most suitable candidate to stay and handle everything.

Moreover, Huang Ying still has injuries on her body and needs his care.

After Xiao Moli and Yun Yi greeted Chen Jun, the two went straight to the airport.

On the way, Chen Jun arranged the route from Beijing to City S as quickly as possible.

After the two of them arrived at the airport, the plane was already on standby, ready to take off.

The two got on the plane and rushed back to City S at the fastest speed, returning to the villa where Xiao Moli and the others lived.

As soon as Xiao Moli entered the door, he saw Promise and Xiao Chengyu waiting in the living room, and immediately asked, "What's the matter? How could Xiao Ai and the others disappear?"

"Last night, Xiao Ai called us and said that she would go back to accompany us today. Ziqi just made an appointment with Tian Xing to go out and didn't have time to send her there.

When we came to pick her up in the morning, we found that there was no one in the house.

We called Ziqi and Xiao Ai, but they couldn't get through.

I called Tian Xing again, and found that the time they agreed upon had not arrived yet, and Ziqi did not go to her either.

Neither Anjia nor Jiayin Ye Wuge have them there.

Then I used the computer to directly access all the surveillance of the villa and nearby, but I didn't find any suspicious people appearing here.

Xiao Ai and Ziqi never walked out the door of the villa, they seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

After that, I called you, and your phone could not be connected. I had to call Xiao Chen and let him tell you. "

Xiao Chengyu twisted his brows and explained the previous thing in detail.

This is really unusual.

In the morning, Xiao Ai called them and reported a lot of what she likes to eat and asked the kitchen to make them for her.

With the temperament of that snack food, it is impossible to give up such a large amount of delicacies and go to other places.

After listening to his daddy's words, Xiao Moli almost immediately confirmed his previous guess.

Xiao Ai and An Ziqi disappeared in exactly the same way as when Huang Ying was taken away.

Since that person can take Huang Ying away quietly, he can also take away An Ziqi and Xiao Ai.

He clenched his fists on his side and closed his eyes slightly, "No need to look for it."

Who is the promise? He has an exquisite mind, and it is naturally inherited from her where the Xiao family's black belly gene comes from.

At this moment, upon hearing Xiao Moli's words, he immediately guessed the general idea.

"It has something to do with Huang Ying's disappearance before?"

Xiao Moli took a deep breath, and suppressed the anxiety and anger in his heart. "Their purpose was Xiao Ai and Ziqi from the beginning. They had captured Huang Ying before, but they were just to move the tiger away from the mountain.

Send the defensive device here to the capital and lead me to the capital. Every step is to prepare for taking them away. "

This is why the previous person must kill Zaima even if he was injured.

Because he was afraid that after Zayima spoke it out, he would know it, hindering their plan, and not taking Xiao Ai and An Ziqi away.

He was so careless that he didn't even notice this kind of tweaking the tiger away from the mountain.

Promise frowned. The Xiao family's defensive device was indeed abnormal. With this thing in it, it was impossible to take people away quietly.

Ordinary people would think that it was an alarm system at best. Since the other party knew it, they must be someone who knew the Xiao family well.