Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4277

"Let me see how your injury is?"

"It's okay, it's already well, but you, who allowed you to jump over in that situation?"

Chen Jun raised his hand, squeezed Huang Ying's chin, and pressed his fingertips slightly, which was regarded as punishment for her previous behavior.

God knows, when he heard the gunshot, his soul was almost frightened when he saw her pounce.

He has been in the army since he was a child, and he has taken on all kinds of tasks, and he has long been accustomed to seeing life and death parting.

But at that moment he knew that not all life and death he has the courage to face.

"I can't just watch your hand be abolished." Huang Ying replied with some guilty conscience.

"I want you to remember that even if my hand is abolished, you are definitely not allowed to risk your life." Chen Jun looked at her with unprecedented severity.

Huang Ying pursed her lips and said nothing.

Chen Jun was dissatisfied with her silent protest, and put his hand directly into the hem of her clothes, "Say, dare you?"

Huang Ying gasped for a moment, and her body instantly softened, "Chen"

I want to reach out and push him away, but my whole body is soft without the slightest strength.

Chen Jun moved his fingertips slightly, "You know what I want to hear."

The people who were pressing agreed that they would never dare to do it again, and watched her pale due to injury finally turned a little ruddy, and then let her go.

Huang Ying curled up in his arms, although she agreed in desperation, but if she returned to the time, she would still make the same choice.

Chen Jun didn't want to see her hurt, and she couldn't either.

Huang Ying is not worried about Chen Jun's injuries and must personally inspect it.

Chen Jun had no choice but to agree.

Looking at the **** wound, Huang Ying almost burst into tears.

"Sorry, it's all my fault."

Chen Jun sighed, raised his hand and wiped the tears from her face with his fingers, "It has nothing to do with you."

This injury was caused by the previous scratching of Zaima in Italy. It was already recovering. It was just that too much happened at the coffee shop before that caused the wound to tear again.

If Huang Ying knew, she would definitely blame herself.

This is also the reason why he prevented her from checking before.

Huang Ying bit her lip without saying a word. Instead, she pressed the pager and called the doctor to treat the wound.

After the wounds were treated, Huang Ying learned what had happened before.

She was only immersed in the surprise that Gu Rui was not dead at first, and did not realize that it was wrong.

Until the next day when she went to the coffee shop for an appointment, she happened to ran into Gu Rui downstairs.

When the two went upstairs together, a waiter almost bumped into Gu Rui with coffee in her hand, and she hurriedly reached out and pulled Gu Rui aside.

The waiter who almost hit someone did not react at all, as if nothing had happened.

Huang Ying stopped the man, and the waiter turned his head. Without apologizing first, he smiled and asked if she had any needs.

This is obviously very unreasonable. At the time, Gu Rui only said that it was okay, so she didn't care about it.

At that time, Huang Ying had faintly felt wrong.

Later, when the waiter brought the coffee to the box, she deliberately tested it, and then she was sure that the others seemed to be unable to see Gu Rui at all.

She didn't know who the person next to her was or what it was, so she could only hold back her fear, and after that person chanted some spell to her, she pretended to be controlled and obeyed his orders unconditionally.